Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 1 Commonwealth of Virginia
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .........................................................................................................................1
Policy ...........................................................................................................................................4
Applicability ............................................................................................................................4
Expenses Must be Reasonable and Necessary .........................................................................4
Cardinal Processing .................................................................................................................5
Cardinal Transparency .............................................................................................................5
Agency .....................................................................................................................................5
Agency Head or Designee .......................................................................................................5
Base Point ................................................................................................................................6
Cardinal ....................................................................................................................................6
Commuting Mileage ................................................................................................................6
Exempt Agency ........................................................................................................................6
Expense Report ........................................................................................................................6
International Travel ..................................................................................................................6
Non-State Employee ................................................................................................................6
Official Station .........................................................................................................................6
Sponsored Programs ................................................................................................................7
State Employee ........................................................................................................................7
Travel Status ............................................................................................................................7
Trip ...........................................................................................................................................7
Travel Reimbursement Requirements..........................................................................................8
Travel Reimbursement Requirements......................................................................................8
Cardinal Certification Statement..............................................................................................9
Travel Planning ..........................................................................................................................10
Introduction ............................................................................................................................10
Contractual Business ..............................................................................................................10
Internet Usage ........................................................................................................................10
Travel Involving Multiple Employees ...................................................................................11
Conference Procurement ........................................................................................................12
Approval and Exceptions ...........................................................................................................13
Lodging Exceptions ...............................................................................................................13
Business Meal Exceptions......................................................................................................13
Designee Documentation .......................................................................................................13
Sponsored Program Funds Exception ....................................................................................14
Travel Involving the Governor ..............................................................................................14
Approving Authority and Exceptions for Cabinet Members and Agency Heads ..................14
Reimbursement by Exempt
Organizations ............................................................................15
odging ......................................................................................................................................16
ction ............................................................................................................................16
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 2 Commonwealth of Virginia
Lodging Rates ........................................................................................................................16
Alternative Lodging Authorization ........................................................................................17
Non-Canceled Hotel Reservations .........................................................................................17
Number of Persons in a Hotel Room .....................................................................................17
Advance Payments .................................................................................................................18
Hotel Bills ..............................................................................................................................18
Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses (M&IE) ........................................................................19
Introduction ............................................................................................................................19
M&IE Per Diem Allowance...................................................................................................19
M&IE Rates ...........................................................................................................................19
Prorations and Reductions .....................................................................................................20
Allowed Expenses ..................................................................................................................22
Disallowed Expenses .............................................................................................................22
Travel Credits.........................................................................................................................22
Non-Travel Related Meals .........................................................................................................23
Business Meals.......................................................................................................................23
IRS Reporting Requirements for Business Meals .................................................................24
Overtime Meal Allowance .....................................................................................................24
Overtime Meal Rates .............................................................................................................25
Law Enforcement Personnel Meals .......................................................................................26
Transportation ............................................................................................................................27
State-Owned Automobile .......................................................................................................27
State-Owned Automobile Permanent Basis ...........................................................................27
State-Owned Aircraft .............................................................................................................27
Personally-Owned Automobile ..............................................................................................28
Current Mileage Rates ...........................................................................................................28
Short Term Trip VehicleEnterprise Rental Car .................................................................29
Cost Benefit Analysis ............................................................................................................30
Mileage Versus Air Costs ......................................................................................................31
Commuting Mileage ..............................................................................................................31
Travel Routing .......................................................................................................................31
Base Point ..............................................................................................................................31
Weekend and Holiday Mileage ..............................................................................................32
Out of Country Mileage .........................................................................................................32
Parking & Toll Expenses .......................................................................................................32
Public Transportation .............................................................................................................33
Air & Rail Tickets ..................................................................................................................34
Air & Rail Tickets Purchase Options..................................................................................35
Additional Airline Fees ..........................................................................................................35
Chartered Aircraft Travel .......................................................................................................36
Personal Use Aircraft Travel .................................................................................................36
Bus Travel ..............................................................................................................................36
Car Rental ..............................................................................................................................37
Car Rental Insurance ..............................................................................................................37
Car Rental Refueling..............................................................................................................39
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 3 Commonwealth of Virginia
International Travel ....................................................................................................................40
Approval Authority ................................................................................................................40
Air Travel Emphasized ..........................................................................................................40
Per Diem Rates ......................................................................................................................41
DOA Contacts ............................................................................................................................41
Subject Cross References ...........................................................................................................42
References ..............................................................................................................................42
Suggested Job Aids and Forms ..............................................................................................43
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 4 Commonwealth of Virginia
These policies apply to Executive Branch agencies. Executive Branch agencies are
authorized to adopt more restrictive policies and procedures as approved by the
Agency Head. Agencies must retain a written copy of these more restrictive policies
and procedures signed by the Agency Head. All cabinet members and their staff,
Agency Heads, and Executive Branch boards and commissions must comply with the
State Travel Regulations, the same regulations to which all other Executive Branch
employees are held accountable.
Legislative, Judicial, and Independent agencies may establish their own travel
policies, subject to the relevant laws and written authorization by the appropriate
governing body. Non-Executive Branch agencies and Tier 3 Higher Education
Institutions that have adopted travel regulations, which exceed the limits contained in
this topic, must submit copies of their travel policies and procedures to the
Department of Accounts.
Expenses Must
be Reasonable
and Necessary
The Commonwealth of Virginia will reimburse individuals traveling on official State
business for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred. Travel expense accounts
are open to the public and must be able to sustain the test of public review. When
planning and paying for travel there are several factors of primary concern: economy,
prudence and necessity. The use of State funds to accommodate personal comfort,
convenience, and taste is not permitted.
It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to limit travel costs to only those
expenses that are necessary for providing essential services to the Commonwealth’s
citizens. Further, travelers and travel planners must seek ways to reduce the cost of
Agencies must communicate State travel policies, regulations and procedures to all
employees who travel on State business. Additionally, agencies must ensure that all
employee travel expenses conform to the State Travel Regulations.
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 5 Commonwealth of Virginia
Policy, Continued
State employees will be reimbursed for travel related expenses using the Travel and
Expenses module in Cardinal. Petty cash and the Accounts Payable module may not
be used for these types of reimbursements.
Non-state employees will be set up as vendors in Cardinal. Their travel related
expenses will be processed through the Accounts Payable module.
In order to provide an increased level of transparency in the recording of travel
reimbursements and to take advantage of Cardinal functionality where approved
lodging, meal and incidental rate limits are already loaded in the system, Cardinal
requires that each individual travel day’s reimbursement items be entered separately.
For example, if an individual traveled for 3 days which included 2 nights lodging,
each night of lodging would be entered as a separate line item. Additionally, meals
for each day are entered separately, whether as “all meals-travel day” or split out
between breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner if one meal was provided. The flat $5 per
diem for incidentals will always be split out as a separate line item each day of travel.
Any commission, department, division, institution, board, council or other
organization of the Commonwealth of Virginia operating from State funds.
Agency Head
or Designee
An Agency Head is an officially appointed, elected or designated individual who
directs, and is ultimately responsible for, the overall operations of an agency or
A designee is any other person appropriately designated to act on behalf of the
Agency Head. Such designation must be approved by the Agency Head in writing
and retained on file within the agency. These listings should adhere to the record
retention policy in order to provide adequate evidentiary support of appropriate
approvals for audit/review purposes. Copies of written designee listings must be
provided to the Department of Accounts and appropriate auditors upon request.
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 6 Commonwealth of Virginia
Definitions, Continued
Base Point
The primary place, office, or building where the traveler performs his/her duties on a
routine basis. Multiple base points are not allowed.
This is the accounting and reporting system of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Round-trip mileage traveled routinely by the employee between his residence and
base point. Mileage and other commuting costs incurred during commuting status
are considered a personal expense and are not reimbursable.
Exempt Agency
A State agency that does not fall under the Executive Branch of State government or
whose enabling legislation establishes the organization as a separate political
subdivision of the Commonwealth.
Expense Report
Original authorized documentation for requesting reimbursement of expenses
incurred by an individual while traveling on official State business. This
documentation, including itemized, original hotel bills and receipts as required,
provides support for reimbursement of travel expenses. While the use of the
Employee Travel Authorization and Expense Report on the Cardinal website
indicates adherence to Statewide requirements, its use is optional and substitute
forms and procedures by individual agencies are allowed. The substitute form must
include the Certification Statements from the Cardinal Expense Report for the
Traveler and Approver.
All travel to areas outside of the 48 contiguous United States.
Any individual who is not employed by the State, but who is conducting State
business. This includes the members of boards, authorities, or commissions.
Official Station
The area within a 25-mile radius of an employee’s designated base point.
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 7 Commonwealth of Virginia
Definitions, Continued
Programs funded by revenue derived from grants and contracts.
Any elected, appointed, classified, or non-classified employee of the Commonwealth.
Travel Status
Travel outside of an employee’s official station.
Any period of continuous travel between when the traveler leaves his residence or
base point and returns to his residence or base point.
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 8 Commonwealth of Virginia
Travel Reimbursement Requirements
Although not all-inclusive, the following information is required for expense
reimbursement and must be submitted with the Employee Travel Authorization and
Expense Report (Expense Report).
Authorization and Exception approvals (See Approval and Exceptions section)
Approval for mileage reimbursement at IRS mileage rate (See Current Mileage
Reason for travel and any unusual fees such as charges for changing a
Hard-copy confirmations of expenses if online methods were used to procure
services (to confirm cost)
Reason for business phone calls, internet service, or fax services
Documentation to support foreign currency conversion calculations related to
international travel
Itemized receipt for lodging or comparative statement if alternative lodging is used
(example: apartment lease)
Receipt for each meal expenditure of $75 or more (IRS requirement)
Receipt for registration fees
Reason for reserved “for hire transportation” (example: chartered transportation)
Receipts required if claim is more than $75 per instance
Work hours and overtime hours for overtime meals
Approval for use of private or chartered airlines or State-owned aircraft
Travelers must keep receipts and accurate records of all expenses to ensure correct
reporting and submission of travel reimbursements. Travel reimbursements will not be
made from travel charge card statements or tissue receipts. Each day’s expenses must be
shown separately on the Expense Report.
The Commonwealth uses GSA rates for Lodging and M&IE expenses, therefore, the
correct rates must be researched and documented clearly on the Expense Report by the
traveler (see Lodging and M&IE sections for further information). The approver of the
Expense Report is responsible for ensuring the correct rates are stated for reimbursement,
based on actual travel dates. (Please note that the GSA rates are generally published for
the Federal fiscal year, which runs from October 1 September 30 annually.)
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 9 Commonwealth of Virginia
Travel Reimbursement Requirements, Continued
By approving an Expense Report in Cardinal, the agency, department or institution
and its employees and agents agree to the following:
Final agency approval for expenditure transactions rests with the person granted
approval authority in Cardinal. The act of approving a transaction in Cardinal
means the agency certifies to the Comptroller that the request for disbursement of
State funds specified in the approved transaction has been reviewed by appropriate
agency staff and is accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief. The amounts
itemized are considered to be legitimate and proper charges to the appropriations
indicated therein, and are approved for payment. The payment has not been previously
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 10 Commonwealth of Virginia
Travel Planning
Travelers must prepare an estimate of the total cost of any proposed overnight travel
expected to exceed $500.* An appropriate member of management must authorize
planned travel, including cost estimates, prior to travel, on a form acceptable to the
agency. The agency may determine the appropriate member of management at its
discretion. To ensure adequate planning (identification of costs and exceptions), the
requirement to prepare a cost estimate for overnight travel expected to exceed $500
also applies to Agency Heads and cabinet members. However, the requirement to
obtain prior authorization for Agency Head and cabinet member travel applies only
to cases in which exceptions must be obtained or for international travel.
Total cost includes lodging, transportation, meals, conference registration, and any
other travel costs or course fees must be included in the estimate. Costs of the trip
that may be direct billed, such as lodging or conference registration, must also be
included in the cost estimate. The estimate must accompany both the Expense
Report and any applicable direct-billed Vendor Payment vouchers. For planned
travel, the traveler must document that a reasonable effort was made to obtain
efficient, effective, and cost beneficial means of travel for the Commonwealth.
*An employee in a position that requires frequent, similar travel to perform their job
duties is exempt from this requirement. A written approval from the Agency Head
stating that an estimate is unnecessary for a particular employee should be kept on
file at the agency, for documentation purposes.
If an agency has any agreements with individuals under contract to conduct business
with the Commonwealth, these expenses should be paid with an Accounting
Voucher. When entering into such contracts, agencies should adhere to the dollar
limitations outlined in this section or clearly document the business case for any
deviations. If there is no contractual agreement specific to travel and travel expenses
(hotel, air fare, meals, mileage, etc.) and such expenses are incurred, the dollar
limitations and documentation requirements outlined in this section are applicable.
Internet Usage
In addition to all other policies set forth in this travel policy, the following policies
must be complied with when using the Internet to purchase travel services.
Usage of the Internet to procure travel services is allowed. Use caution and prudent
judgment when choosing an Internet travel service site. Hidden fees, significant pre-
payments, or nonrefundable advances can apply that may not be reimbursable.
The traveler must comply with procurement guidelines.
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 11 Commonwealth of Virginia
Travel Planning, Continued
When paying for services via the Internet, the following methods may be used:
Bank of America Visa Individual Liability Travel Cardmay be used for all
types of purchases (examples: hotel, transportation tickets)
Bank of America Visa Agency Airline Travel Card (ATC)may only be used for
AIRLINE tickets
Bank of America Visa Agency Purchase Charge Card (SPCC or Gold)may
only be used for transportation tickets (examples: rail, air, bus)
Personal Credit Card
In addition to other documents required by policy, the following supplementary
documents must be submitted with the Expense Report when procuring services via
the Internet:
A hardcopy of the final page from the Internet site showing the total cost and
confirmed service.
Airline confirmation (ticket stub) of the type of ticket purchased (coach, business,
To ensure all travel meets the test of necessity, travel involving more than three
employees from a single agency to a single travel destination (domestic or
international) must be approved in advance by the Agency Head or designee. This
includes travel of presenters as well as attendees. These provisions apply to daily
and overnight travel.
Where it is determined that a seminar, workshop or training program is essential to
staff development for five or more employees, the agency shall investigate the option
of bringing the trainer on site instead of authorizing employees to travel to an off-site
location. The agency shall document the comparative cost of an on-site session and
retain such documentation on file with the agency travel records. The agency must
also explore the practicality of fulfilling the desired staff development goals through
use of studio and video teleconferencing where these options may be more cost-
In selecting locations for meetings, agencies shall give first preference to State-
owned facilities. For meetings of policy, advisory, or supervisory boards, the
selection of a meeting site should avoid the appearance of overly extravagant or
luxurious arrangements.
See Conference Procurement guidelines on the next page.
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Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 12 Commonwealth of Virginia
Travel Planning, Continued
In planning for an agency-sponsored conference, the Lodging and M&IE guidelines
in these regulations should be used as a measure of reasonableness. Agencies should
be prudent in selecting the most cost-effective option available. Agencies should
follow the Department of General Services, Division of Purchases and Supply
procurement guidelines. Documentation supporting the procurement must justify any
costs in excess of the guidelines based on the overall conference procurement costs
(example: free room space or other free or low-cost amenities needed for meetings).
For reimbursements where these guidelines are used, “Cost based on Procurement
Guidelines” must be clearly stated on the Expense Report.
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 13 Commonwealth of Virginia
Approval and Exceptions
Agency Heads or designees are responsible for ensuring that travelers understand
their responsibilities for making good faith efforts to secure lodging within the
guidelines before requesting exceptions.
For all official State business travel, the Agency Head or designee is authorized to
approve reimbursement in advance, for lodging up to 50% over the guidelines when
circumstances warrant. An explanation of the circumstances justifying the lodging
exception must be attached to the Expense Report. A justifiable situation could be
when the additional cost for the conference hotel is offset by reduced local travel
costs (taxi, rental car, etc.) between a less expensive non-conference hotel and a more
expensive conference hotel.
Only the Comptroller or his designee (Deputy State Comptroller) may grant
exceptions for expenses exceeding 50% over the guidelines.* Such approvals must
be requested and granted prior to the travel and the approved request must be
attached to the Expense Report for reimbursement. Requests for such exceptions
must include sufficient documentation showing alternative cost comparisons
justifying the exception. The cost comparisons must include the name and complete
address of the hotels, including zip code, used for the cost comparison. These
requests must be reviewed by the agency fiscal office, which must evaluate and
approve the request prior to sending it to [email protected].
*The only exception to this is travel for Cabinet Members. See Approving
Authority and Exceptions for Cabinet Members and Agency Heads Section,
Business Meal
Agency Heads or their designee may authorize business meal reimbursements up to
50% over the applicable per diem guideline with sufficient justification and the
original, itemized receipt. Business meal reimbursements above 50% over the
applicable per diem guideline are not permitted. (See Business Meals for additional
As noted in the Definitions section (page 5), an Agency Head may designate
approval authority to other individuals in writing. These designee listings should
adhere to the record retention policy in order to provide adequate evidentiary support
of appropriate approvals for audit/review purposes. Copies of written designee
listings must be provided to the Department of Accounts upon request.
Continued on next page
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 14 Commonwealth of Virginia
Approval and Exceptions, Continued
Program Funds
All monetary travel reimbursements for meals, lodging, airfare, etc. funded solely
from sponsored program funds are governed by the terms and conditions of the
individual grant or contract. If the grant or contract is silent regarding these monetary
reimbursements, the limitations in CAPP - Cardinal Topic Nos. 20335 and 20336
will apply. In all cases, administrative requirements cited in CAPP - Cardinal Topic
Nos. 20335 and 20336 must be followed. “Sponsored Program” must be clearly
stated on the Expense Report. (See Definitions in this CAPP Cardinal Topic No.
20335 and CAPP Cardinal Topic No. 20336, Agency Travel Processing, for further
Involving the
To accommodate security concerns for travel accompanying the governor on trade
missions or other travel involving marketing, the governor’s Chief of Staff may
authorize certain exceptions to the regulations.
Authority and
Exceptions for
Members and
Agency Heads
Approval for all trips must accompany the Expense Report.
Approving Authority for Agency Heads All non-exception based Agency Head
Expense Reports must be reviewed and approved by the Agency Head’s Fiscal
Officer or designee. Any exceptions to the Regulations for Agency Heads for
domestic or international travel including exceptions (example: lodging up to 50
percent above the guideline) must be justified and submitted in advance to the
respective cabinet secretary for approval. This approval must be kept with the
Agency Head’s Expense Report. In the case of domestic travel by university
presidents, such exception requests must be submitted to the Rector of the Board of
Approving Authority for Cabinet Member Exceptions All cabinet and staff
travel Expense Reports must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Selected
Agency Support Services. Any exceptions for domestic or international travel (up to
50% over approved travel lodging guidelines) must be justified and submitted in
advance to the Director of Selected Agency Support Services for approval.
Exceptions for travel exceeding 50% of the guidelines must be routed from the
Director of Selected Agency Support Services to the Chief of Staff for approval. This
approval must be kept with the traveler’s Expense Report.
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TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 15 Commonwealth of Virginia
Approval and Exceptions, Continued
by Exempt
When travel expenses for Agency Heads and employees of non-exempt State
agencies are reimbursed by organizations that are exempt from the State
Travel Regulations, and exceed any of the guidelines established in these
regulations, the respective cabinet secretary must approve the travel in
advance. Reimbursement must comply with the travel policy in effect for the
funding organization. When travel expenses for Cabinet Secretaries, which
exceed the guidelines established by the regulations, are reimbursed by
similar organizations, the Director of Selected Agency Support Services must
approve exceptions up to 50 percent above the guidelines and the Chief of
Staff must approve all other exceptions in advance. Reimbursement must
comply with the funding organization’s travel policy.
The Expense Report package should include a notation “exempt
organization,” a copy of the approval if the usual limits are exceeded, and
documentation of the actual reimbursement.
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 16 Commonwealth of Virginia
Lodging may be reimbursed when an individual is traveling overnight on official
business outside his/her official station. Lodging expense reimbursement varies with
the travel destination, but all expenditures must be necessary and reasonable.
Primary responsibility for ensuring the reasonableness of amounts reimbursed rests
with the Agency Head or designee. This includes ensuring that all travel
expenditures have been approved at the appropriate level required, as defined in these
For exceptions, refer to Approval and Exceptions section.
Lodging Rates
All lodging rates are governed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
rates effective October 1, 2015. The traveler must search for the travel destination
using the search criteria on the website:
**NOTE: The travel destination or lodging destination is the city or county in which
the hotel is physically located. The hotel’s mailing address should not be used for
verification of city/county. If the hotel is not within the city limits, the county in
which it is located should be used for lodging rates. If a location is not listed in the
GSA table, the standard rate applies.
Lodging guidelines for all travel destinations (in-state and out-of-state) are provided
in the Lodging Rates section. The appropriate rate is determined by the physical
location (county or city) of the hotel and not the mailing address. When overnight
stays are required while on travel status, first preference shall be given to selecting
lodging in the economy class. Check, request and confirm government rates both at
the time reservations are made and during check-in.
Reimbursement for lodging is limited to actual expenses incurred up to the guideline
amount, plus hotel taxes, fees, and surcharges. Expenses in excess of the guidelines
will not be reimbursed, unless approved in advance as required in the Approval and
Exceptions section. Travelers who do not plan with careful consideration to these
guidelines will bear the additional expense personally. In such cases, taxes and
surcharges will be prorated and reimbursed only for the appropriate rate.
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TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 17 Commonwealth of Virginia
Lodging, Continued
When lodging other than hotels and motels is used, apartments for example, a
comparison statement including authorization by the Agency Head or designee
must be submitted with the Expense Report. The comparison statement should show
the total cost for using the alternate accommodations and length of contract, the cost
of the alternative accommodations, and net savings.
Number of
Persons in a
Hotel Room
Generally when two or more people travel on official State business and stay in the
same hotel room, the lodging guideline applicable to the travel destination in the area
they are staying, plus the cost charged by the hotel for any additional persons in the
room, will apply. Documentation from the hotel listing additional hotel charges for
each additional person, per room must be provided. This regulation is not intended to
discourage agencies from employing cost saving measures such as multiple travelers
staying in the same room. However, do not diminish the overall savings that might
otherwise be obtained by upgrading to luxury or premium accommodations.
For non-luxury, conference hotels the Agency Fiscal Officer may approve lodging
rates that are less than the lodging guideline applicable to the travel destination
multiplied by the number of official business travelers in the room.
Continued on next page
Communicate travel plan changes to the hotel as soon as possible when a confirmed
reservation is being held. Since hotels can charge for non-canceled reservations,
these charges will not be reimbursed if the traveler is negligent in canceling
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 18 Commonwealth of Virginia
Lodging, Continued
Advance payments for direct billed hotel/motel expenses are discouraged. Use of the
State-sponsored Travel Charge Card is encouraged to secure room confirmations.
Actual advance payments using the travel charge card program will not be
reimbursed prior to the trip. If circumstances make advance payments a necessity,
advance payments are limited to one night deposit for direct bill payments.
Direct agency billing of lodging expenses (rates, taxes, and surcharges only) incurred
during overnight travel is permitted. Direct bill charges, however, are still
considered travel expenditures and are governed by these travel policies and should
be included with the estimated costs of the trip if the trip is expected to exceed $500.
A copy of the travel estimate should be included with the vendor payment. Direct
agency billing of meal expenses incurred during overnight travel, including charging
meals to direct-billed hotel rooms, is not permitted. Documentation supporting
direct bills must include the name of traveler, dates, and purpose of travel.
Hotel Bills
Submit with the original Expense Report the original, itemized hotel bills obtained at
time of checkout, and other supporting receipts for lodging expense. For hotel rooms
obtained through Internet providers, the traveler must submit the “hardcopy final
page from the Internet site showing total cost and confirmed services.Any unusual
charges must be fully documented.
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TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 19 Commonwealth of Virginia
Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses (M&IE)
Generally, meals and certain incidental travel expenses are reimbursable on a per
diem basis (not actual expenses) for overnight official business travel outside the
traveler’s official station. (See exceptions for business, overtime and law
enforcement meals later in this topic.) For exceptions, refer to “Approval and
Exceptions” section.
M&IE Per
Information regarding standard meal and incidental reimbursement guidelines
(including all related taxes and tips) are provided in the M&IE Rates Section below.
Regardless of destination, a flat $5 per diem amount is paid for each day of overnight
travel for incidental expenses such as bellhop/waiter tips, valet, personal telephone
calls, laundry, and transportation between lodging or business and places where
meals may be taken.
The M&IE rate shall be paid directly to the traveler even where it can be shown that
one traveler incurred the expenses on behalf of another. The applicable M&IE rate,
or fraction thereof, is payable to the traveler without itemization of expense or
receipts. Reimbursement for actual expense incurred during overnight travel for these
expense categories is not permitted. Agencies may be more restrictive and pay the
actual expenses up to the appropriate M&IE rate in place of maximum per diem.
M&IE Rates
All M&IE Rates are governed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
rates located at the link below. These rates should also be used to determine the
maximum meal reimbursement amounts for official business meals and/or the M&IE
The M&IE must be reduced for the applicable meal when meals are provided at no
cost during an overnight travel period. Refer to the Prorations and Reductions
section on the next page for additional guidance. The M&IE Rates listed on the GSA
website include amounts for the 75% travel days. The M&IE Rates must be used
unless a traveler needs to make an adjustment for provided meals, as noted in the
Prorations and Reductions section.
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Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses (M&IE), Continued
The following reimbursement policies apply.
The M&IE per diem must correspond to the location specified for the overnight
Direct agency billing of meal expenses incurred during overnight travel, including
charging meals to direct-billed hotel rooms, is not permitted.
Prorations and
The following link must be used to calculate prorations and deductions for
meal per diems:
On a travel departure or return day, 75% of the M&IE rate is reimbursed.
For trips involving multiple travel destinations, base the reduction rate in
effect for where the night was spent as follows:
Departure Day: Where you spend the night.
Return Day: Where you spent the night before returning to home
When meals are provided at no cost in conjunction with travel events, the
applicable M&IE rate must be reduced by the amount shown for the
applicable meal in the M&IE Rate Table. For example, if the M&IE rate
allows a $51 total reimbursement, and lunch was provided at no cost, the
total allowable reimbursement for that day would be $39 ($51 - $12
However, when meals are provided at no cost in conjunction with travel
events on a travel departure or return day, the full M&IE rate must be
reduced by the full amount of the appropriate meals followed by a 75%
prorating of the balance. For example, if the M&IE rate allows a $51
total reimbursement, and lunch was provided at no cost on a travel
departure or return day, the total allowable reimbursement for that day
would be $29.25 [($51 - $12 lunch = $39) $39 * .75 = $29.25].
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Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses (M&IE), Continued
When meals are included with registration or lodging expense as part of a package,
the number and type of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) must be recorded on the
Expense Report. If a continental breakfast or reception is offered as part of the travel
event and the food/timing is sufficient to serve as a meal, the traveler must reduce the
per diem by the appropriate allowance amount. If a breakfast is offered at no charge
by the hotel and the traveler does not partake in the breakfast due to any reasonable
circumstance (e.g. early work hours do not allow for participation in the provided
breakfast, the food provided was not adequate, the traveler’s dietary needs were not
met, etc.), then the traveler must notate this on the Expense Report. If a meal is
offered as part of a conference and the traveler has medical restrictions, the traveler
should make every effort to have the conference facilitate his/her needs by the
deadline specified by the conference. If the conference does not honor the request,
the traveler is not required to deduct the applicable meal allowance from the per
diem. However, the traveler must include a note or other documentation with the
Expense Report documenting this information.
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Meals and Incidental Travel Expenses (M&IE), Continued
Taxes, fees, and surcharges paid by the traveler for lodging.
Business Telephone Calls, Telegrams, Internet Access , Hotel Business Center
Charges, and Facsimiles for official business purposes and paid for by the traveler
may be claimed on the Expense Report. A full explanation must be stated on the
Expense Report accompanied by supporting documentation. Individuals using
personally owned cellular telephones may be reimbursed for business calls when
shown to be cost beneficial or necessary. In this case, an itemized cell phone
statement must be included and attached to the Expense Report. In the event that free
minutes are used for business calls, reimbursement is not permitted.
Tolls and parking fees are reimbursable when paid for by the traveler in the course of
conducting official State business. A receipt is required for reimbursement claims
where each individual claim is greater than $75 per instance. Reimbursement must
be claimed as an “other expense” on the Expense Report.
Funeral attendance expenses for travel outside of the official station are reimbursable
for one employee selected by the Agency Head or designee to represent the agency.
Lodging and M&IE are allowed if the representative is considered to be in travel
status and overnight stay is required.
Disallowed expenses include:
Lost or stolen articles
Alcoholic beverages
Damage to personal vehicles, clothing, or other items
Services to gain entry to a locked vehicle
Movies charged to hotel bills
All expenses related to the personal negligence of the traveler, such as fines
Entertainment expenses
Travel Insurance (Personal injury or loss, trip interruption / cancellation, etc.)
Towing charges, and
Expenses for children, spouses, and companions while on travel status.
The above list is not all-inclusive. Travelers should use prudent judgment and
remember that all travel expense accounts are open to the public and must be able to
sustain the test of public review.
Travel Credits
Travel credits, reduced rates, or free services received from public facilities
(examples: airline, car rental agencies, motels, etc.) by individuals for whatever
reason accrue to the Commonwealth. Any such credit, reduced rate, or free service
must be reported to the agency fiscal office and must be deducted from the amount of
travel expenses claimed.
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Non-Travel Related Meals
Business Meals
Generally, meal expenses must involve an overnight stay to qualify for reimbursement.
In these instances, the traveler must adhere to the travel regulations outlined earlier for
meal reimbursement.
Individuals who are not in a travel status are eligible for meal reimbursement if they
participate in a business meal. Individuals in travel status may occasionally attend
meals that qualify as business meals.
Such meals occur while the individual is on official business and must:
Include Agency Head or designee approval.
Involve substantive and bona fide business discussions and include the original,
itemized receipt.
List by name all persons involved in the meal and the reason for the meal. If the
reimbursement is for a group of conference participants, identify the number of
people fed and an explanation of additional meals, if necessary (example: coverage
of walk-ins).
Be reimbursed for actual expenses up to the amount shown for the applicable meal
in the M&IE Rate Table, excluding the incidental allowance. (See Business Meal
For individuals in travel status, the per diem allowance applicable to the business
meal must be clearly excluded from the daily reimbursement.
Delivery costs and a reasonable tip are reimbursable as long as the total cost does
not exceed the allowable per diem for the meal.
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Non-Travel Related Meals, Continued
IRS Reporting
for Business
Non-Law Enforcement Personnel
Business meal reimbursements which are not related to overnight travel, and are made
under an accountability plan, are not generally considered by the IRS to be reportable
income. Employees are responsible for reviewing and conforming to current IRS
Overtime meals are not considered Business Meals. See the Overtime Meal
Allowance section for further information.
Law Enforcement Personnel and Sponsored Programs
IRS income reporting requirements for meals reimbursed under the law enforcement
personnel meal reimbursement policy or the sponsored program exception must be
determined by the disbursing agency based on the specific circumstances of each case.
Overtime Meal
Agency conditions that necessitate overtime vary greatly. An agency with special or
unique conditions may submit, in writing, an agency-specific overtime meal policy
to the Department of Accounts (Assistant State Comptroller). When developing an
overtime meal policy, prudent judgment is expected to recognize only reasonable
and necessary costs. An overtime meal allowance is a fixed dollar amount allowed
while working or traveling in an overtime status. Overtime status is when work or
travel time occurs beyond an employee’s normal, scheduled work hours, but not
overnight. Therefore, overtime meal allowance does not apply during overnight
travel. In the case of overnight travel, per diem rates apply.
An overtime meal allowance is allowed when overtime worked is:
Essential to the agency’s mission
Permitted by agency policy
Approved by appropriate agency personnel, and
In excess of the employee’s normal, scheduled work hours.
Note: Scheduled work hours and overtime hours worked for overtime meals must
be included on the Expense Report.
Agencies are required to comply with IRS regulations regarding reportable meals.
An overtime meal allowance based on the number of hours worked is considered
taxable wages.
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Office of the Comptroller 25 Commonwealth of Virginia
Non-Travel Related Meals, Continued
Overtime Meal
The Overtime Meal Allowance policy described in the following table must
be followed unless an agency-specific overtime meal policy is approved by
* Note Or if comparable overtime is necessitated by shift schedule or beyond a
routine, scheduled 40-hour work period.
Continued on next page
Are worked or traveled
AND the overtime occurs
THEN an overtime
meal allowance is…
2 or more
during a
normal workday
($7.50 if outside the
official station)
Workday and
Overtime Start/End
5 or more
on a Saturday, Sunday,
holiday or an alternate work
schedule day off *
($7.50 if outside the
official station)
Overtime Start/End
10 or more
on a Saturday, Sunday,
holiday or an alternate work
schedule day off *
($15.00 if outside the
official station)
Overtime Start/End
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Office of the Comptroller 26 Commonwealth of Virginia
Non-Travel Related Meals, Continued
Under certain circumstances, meals may be reimbursed when an overnight stay is not
involved for law enforcement personnel. Reimbursement for actual meal expenses or
fixed meal allowances may be paid by agencies which have a policy providing for
such payments. Additionally, the employees must meet each of the following criteria.
The officer:
has arrest powers
is sworn to uphold the law
is permitted to carry a firearm, according to the Code of Virginia, and
is required, according to agency policy, to be in an “on Duty” or “Ready” status
during the meal period.
Minimum requirements for the On Duty or Ready status are as follows:
The duties require the employee to be available during the meal period to perform
public service such as reporting of accidents or dissemination of information
concerning traffic, motor vehicle, or other laws (examples: marine, game, forestry
The employee is required to stay in close communication during the meal period
for possible immediate response to emergency situations. Such response may
interrupt or cancel the employee’s meal period.
The employee is required to have his/her meal in an area accessible to the public
so that public services can be readily provided.
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Rules and policies for use of a State vehicle are defined in the Office of Fleet
Management Policies & Procedures issued by the Department of General Services.
Agency Heads shall limit authorization for commuting in State-owned vehicles to
those employees whose job travel requirements make commuting the only cost-
effective or practical alternative. No appointee, serving at the pleasure of the
Governor, shall use a State-owned vehicle for the purpose of commuting, except:
where the commute is connected to a departure for or return from a trip on
official State business, or
where authorized by the Secretary of Public Safety for job-related emergencies.
Permanent use of State-owned vehicles by persons performing official State business
is permitted as determined by the Agency Head. A written request must be made by
the Agency Head explaining in detail the purpose or reason for such an assignment
on forms prescribed by the Office of Fleet Management Services.
Agencies that have employees who travel frequently on official State business should
request a State-owned vehicle on a permanent basis, if it is cost beneficial to the
State. Such agencies should conduct a cost/benefit analysis on an annual basis to
evaluate whether the use of permanently assigned, agency vehicles would be cost
beneficial to the State. The cost/benefit analysis should consider the actual costs
associated with providing State-owned vehicles including Office of Fleet
Management charges, incremental administrative costs of establishing an agency
fleet or adding vehicles to an existing agency fleet, vehicle parking costs, and any
vehicle maintenance and operating costs not paid by the Office of Fleet Management
Services. For further information and guidance concerning the use and availability of
permanently assigned vehicles, refer to the Office of Fleet Management Policies &
Procedures issued by the Department of General Services.
State-owned aircraft are available on a priority basis and can be scheduled through
the Department of Aviation (DOAV). Refer to the Aircraft Use Policy and
Guidelines that can be found on DOAV’s website at www.doav.virginia.gov. Costs
should be compared with commercial rates to determine the best air carrier travel for
State travel.
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Transportation, Continued
Employees are permitted to use their personally owned automobile when a State-
owned vehicle or Office of Fleet Management Services (OFMS) rental vehicle is not
available, or when the use of a personally owned vehicle is cost-beneficial to the
agency. Employees electing to use their personal vehicle as a matter of convenience
will be reimbursed for mileage at the lowest combined capital and operational trip
pool rate charged by OFMS. The applicable Personal Mileage Expense Type option
(Convenience, Cost Justified, Over 15K Miles) should be selected in the Expense
When processing mileage reimbursement in Cardinal for a personally-owned
automobile, the mileage traveled should be rounded to the nearest whole mile.
Cardinal does not allow for entry of a fraction of a mile.
Mileage Rates
Reimbursement rates are set in the current Appropriation Act (Section 4 - 5.04e.2).
Currently, the rates for the first 15,000 miles of use each fiscal year are:
Current IRS rate - when a personally owned vehicle is cost justified or a State-
owned vehicle/OFMS rental is not available.
$.246 mile - when use of a personally-owned vehicle is elected for the
convenience of the employee.
Reimbursement rates are reduced to $.13/ mile for travel in excess of 15,000 miles in
one fiscal year, unless a State-owned vehicle is not available; then, the rate shall be
the current IRS rate.
The current IRS rates can be found at the following site:
If the higher mileage rate is used for reimbursement, the Agency Fiscal Officer is
responsible for ensuring the appropriate justification has been documented and
approved by the Agency Head or designee (as outlined in the following sections).
This documentation and approval must be attached to the Expense Report.
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Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
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Office of the Comptroller 29 Commonwealth of Virginia
Transportation, Continued
Short Term
Rental Car
The Department of General Services, Office of Fleet Management Services (OFMS),
maintains a contract with Enterprise Leasing to provide vehicles for short term travel by
state employees.
When preparing for a trip, the traveler should visit the OFMS website (at least 24 hours
in advance)
and use the trip calculator to determine the vehicle cost for their proposed trip.
This cost should be used in the agency’s cost benefit analysis as required in the
following section. All vehicle reservations must be made at least 24 hours in
advance of the anticipated pickup of the vehicle. Otherwise, the traveler may be
restricted to reimbursement at the Personal Convenience Rate.
Rental of vehicles which exceed 30 days must have the prior approval of the Office of
Fleet Management Services.
Operators of Short-Term Trip Vehicles are subject to the OFMS Policies and
Procedures that apply to State or Agency owned vehicles. Including use for official
business only. See OFMS Policies and Procedures Manual (Page 14; II Travel
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Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
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Office of the Comptroller 30 Commonwealth of Virginia
Transportation, Continued
Cost Benefit
Agencies must conduct a cost/benefit analysis to determine whether a State-
owned/OFMS rental or a personally-owned vehicle should be used in official
State travel. It is expected that a good faith effort will be made to use the
Enterprise Rental contract when practical. (See Short Term Trip Vehicle
Enterprise Rental Car” section) Generally, a personal automobile is
considered cost beneficial under the following circumstances:
When occasional travel is planned for distances up to 200 miles per
day. This distance may vary for agency-owned or operated fleets. For
overnight travel, consider the average daily mileage over the period
the State vehicle would otherwise be needed.
For constant daily routine travel (agencies should consider the cost
effectiveness of an agency fleet).
When an emergency exists and is approved by the Agency Head or
For all other circumstances, the OFMS TRIP CALCULATOR (See Short
Term Trip VehicleEnterprise Rental Car” section) should be used routinely
to obtain the Enterprise vehicle cost for the cost benefit analysis.
Examples of other factors that can be considered in the cost benefit analysis
Distance to the nearest Enterprise location and the hours of operation
Administrative time required to obtain the Enterprise rental car
The type of vehicle required and the number of travelers
The Agency Head or designee is authorized to approve the IRS rate in lieu of
the Enterprise contract when a personally owned vehicle is deemed to be cost
beneficial to the agency. This justification and approval must be documented
and attached to the Expense Report.
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Transportation, Continued
Mileage Versus
Air Costs
Planned personal vehicle or rental car costs cannot exceed the total cost of the
trip using the most economical public air transportation available. All travel
costs (including meals, lodging, parking, ground transportation, etc.) should
be considered for each option. Reimbursement shall be limited to the least
expensive option (flying vs driving). Agency Heads or their designees are
authorized to grant exceptions to this policy when justified. Comparative
statements should be attached to the Expense Report for reimbursement.
Round-trip mileage traveled routinely and directly by the employee between
his residence and base point incurred on a scheduled workday is considered
commuting mileage. An employee can have only one assigned base point.
Commuting mileage and other commuting costs incurred on normal
workdays are considered a personal expense and are not reimbursable.
Travel Routing
Travel routing, whether by public transportation, privately-owned vehicle,
State-owned vehicle or for-hire conveyance, shall be the most direct
practicable route.
Base Point
An employee can only have one base point, even if the employee has multiple work
locations. It is the agency’s responsibility to assign the base point to be used for
reimbursement purposes.
The employee’s residence can be assigned by the agency as base point when it is cost
beneficial to the State. In this case, the mileage driven from the employee’s
residence to one or more temporary work locations, including the employee’s central
office, is official State business mileage and is fully reimbursable. Agencies are
expected to establish stringent administrative controls at sufficiently high levels
to ensure that the assignment of an employee’s residence as their base point is
authorized only when justifiable.
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Transportation, Continued
Weekend and
Mileage incurred when the individual is required to work on a Saturday,
Sunday, or holiday that is not a scheduled workday may be reimbursed
subject to an agency policy permitting such reimbursement.
Out of Country
Reimbursement for out-of-country travel will be at the rate established in the
current Appropriation Act. However, if a higher personal mileage rate is
justifiable, a request must be sent to the Assistant State Comptroller for
approval. This request must have appropriate documentation to support the
proposed reimbursement.
Parking & Toll
Parking and Toll expenses are reimbursable. A receipt is required for
reimbursement claims where each individual claim is greater than $75 per
instance. Reimbursement must be claimed as an “other expense” on the
Expense Report.
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Transportation, Continued
Public transportation travel includes:
Rental Car
Taxi, Shuttle, or other “for hire transportation”
Public transportation rates must not exceed those for tourist or coach class
accommodations. Receipts for such expenses must be retained for submission with
the Expense Report. Because of the liquidity of air and rail tickets, any unused
portions must be returned to the agency for credit. Each agency must have a written
policy and assigned responsibility for obtaining and controlling airline and rail
tickets, particularly any unused portions.
Charges for changes to tickets/reservations to accommodate personal comfort,
convenience and taste are not reimbursable. Change fees must be explained on the
Expense Report.
For taxis, shuttle vans and other forms of on demand or reserved “for hire
transportation,” receipts are required only if the reimbursement claim exceeds $75
per instance. A reason must be identified on the voucher of the necessity for
reserved “for hire” transportation. Reimbursement for limousine or other forms of
luxury transportation services are not allowed. A maximum tip of 15% of the taxi
cab or shuttle service fare is reimbursable as a transportation cost separate from
Meals and Incidental Expenses. For reimbursement, the Expense Report must
separate the amount for the tip from the amount of the fare.
Public transportation from place of lodging to restaurants is allowed only for official
business needs.
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Transportation, Continued
Air & Rail
Generally, airline and rail travel cannot exceed the rates charged for tourist or coach
class accommodations. Recently, airlines have created a higher level of coach class
service that charges a premium for certain desired seats. Such upgrades in the coach
seating area are enhancements to the coach fare and are not reimbursable.
With careful consideration of the reasonableness limitations specified in the
Expenses Must be Reasonable and Necessary section of these regulations, the
approving authority may grant permission for business class air or rail travel under
the following circumstances:
When it does not cost more than the lowest available tourist/coach fare
(comparison must be attached to Expense Report), or
For travel to western Europe if the business meeting is conducted within three
hours of landing, or
For transoceanic, intercontinental trips involving flight-time of more than eight
consecutive hours, or
If the traveler pays the difference.
When it does not cost more than the lowest available tourist/coach fare
(comparison must be attached to Expense Report), or
When reserved coach seats are not offered on the route, or
If the traveler pays the difference.
Reimbursement for first class air or rail travel is prohibited.
Note: Documents that validate the mode and class of travel are required for all air and
rail reimbursements made directly to the employee.
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Transportation, Continued
Airline Fees
Certain airlines now charge additional fees for baggage and other services formerly
included in the airfare cost. When procuring airfare for business travel, travelers
should consider total costs in selecting the most appropriate carrier. Airlines publish
limits for baggage and the fees associated with those limits. Travelers are expected
to be aware of these limits. In the event these limits must be exceeded for legitimate
business purposes, the cost is reimbursable. A receipt and appropriate explanation
must be included with the Expense Report.
Continued on next page
Air & Rail
Agencies and institutions have four options available for the purchase of air and rail
1. Bank of America Visa Individual Liability Travel Card (ILT) may be used
for all types of purchases (i.e., hotel, transportation tickets)
2. Bank of America Visa Agency Airline Travel Card (ATC) may only be
used for AIRLINE tickets
3. Bank of America Visa Agency Purchase Charge Card (SPCC or Gold) may
only be used for transportation tickets (i.e., rail, air, bus)
4. Personal Credit Card
Requests for the ILT, ATC, or SPCC or Gold should be directed to the Department of
Accounts, Charge Card Administration group at cca@doa.virginia.gov.
If a flight or trip is cancelled, the ticket documentation must be given to the Agency
Fiscal Officer for safekeeping. Cancelled tickets (full fare and non-refundable)
usually hold some residual value depending upon specific airline policies and
restrictions. The Agency should develop a policy to adequately control unused
tickets. The Agency Fiscal Officer is responsible for ensuring that any residual value
is used for official Agency business.
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Transportation, Continued
Aircraft Travel
Chartered aircraft will only be used when State-owned aircraft are not available or
will not meet customer needs. The Department of Aviation (DOAV) shall contract
for all chartered aircraft on behalf of state agencies. Reference the Aircraft Use
Policy and Guidelines on the DOAV’s website at www.doav.virginia.gov.
Chartering an aircraft is permitted when authorized in advance by the requesting
agency’s Cabinet Secretary or designee, and justified by a written cost/benefit
analysis. The cost/benefit analysis must include a comparison of the total costs of the
trip by alternative means of travel. This includes consideration of such benefits as
reduced overnight travel costs and employee time out of the office, security, etc. A
copy of this analysis and the written approval from the Cabinet Secretary or designee
must be attached to the traveling agency’s Expense Report.
Personal Use
Aircraft Travel
The use of personal aircraft is permitted for official state travel with the prior approval
of the appropriate Agency Head. Personal aircraft usage by an Agency Head requires
the prior approval of the appropriate cabinet secretary.
Documentation of comparable costs for other travel means must be included in the
Expense Report package. The reimbursement shall be limited to the most economical
means of travel available at that time. For example, if it were less costly to travel by
commercial carrier, the reimbursement shall be limited to the lowest cost commercial
carrier ticket available. The traveler must include a signed statement with the
Expense Report certifying that the amount requested represents the most economical
use of public funds. As with all travel, it is the responsibility of the traveler and the
agency fiscal office to ensure the most efficient use of taxpayer funds.
The reimbursement rate per mile shall be the amount listed by the federal government
at the GSA website,
at the time of the travel. A dated printout of this site indicating the appropriate
mileage rate for the travel time period must be included with the Expense Report
Continued on next page
Bus Travel
Permitted in lieu of automobile, airline, or train travel when cost beneficial.
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Transportation, Continued
Car Rental
Reimbursement of car rental expenses is limited to official business use only. Car
rentals may be made through commercial rental agencies. The traveler must select
the most economical contractor and type of vehicle available, and acquire any
commercial rate or government discount available when the vehicle is rented. When
possible, rentals should be arranged through a travel agency that has contracted with
the Commonwealth to perform such services.
In most cases, rental vehicles would only be necessary after reaching the destination
of travel. However, for travel initiated from the traveler’s base point, the traveler
may conduct a cost/benefit analysis to determine if it is beneficial for the State to use
a rental car in lieu of a personal vehicle for the planned trip. The cost/benefit
analysis should consider the cost of the rental car, any surcharges, and the cost of fuel
for operating the rental vehicle. If this analysis demonstrates that it is cost effective
to obtain the rental car and agency policy permits, a rental car may be used, and the
cost/benefit analysis must be attached to the Expense Report.
Continued on next page
Car Rental
The option to purchase insurance offered by rental car contractors depends upon the
following circumstances:
If the traveler is a . . .
then . . .
State Employee
Rental insurance will not be reimbursed. The
Department of Treasury, Division of Risk
Management, provides a Statewide Self-
Insured Automobile plan for State employees.
Non-State Employee
Only when the agency considers automobile
rental reimbursable. Rental car insurance for
these individuals may also be treated as a
reimbursable expense.
Insurance reimbursement should only include
Liability Damage Waiver (LDW) and Collision
Damage Waiver (CDW). Agencies are
encouraged to set limits on reimbursement of
this expense.
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Transportation, Continued
Car Rental Insurance (continued)
Traveler’s Tip
The Department of Treasury, Division of Risk Management, covers all rental car
damages and liability when the State employee is negligent or “at-fault.” This is why
the employee should decline additional coverage (CDW, LDW, PDW, LIS, or SLI)
by the rental car company.
However, for damage caused when no fault can be determined (hit and run, parking
lot scrape and go, etc.), or by an uncontrollable act (hail damage, deer collision, rock
to the windshield, etc.) the agency will be responsible for the repair to the vehicle.
The Division of Risk Management offers “Lease Care” insurance to agencies to
cover damages when no one is liable. This coverage is optional and each agency
should make a decision on obtaining “Lease Care” coverage based on their particular
risk situation.
Additionally, a traveler may encounter a situation when renting a car outside of
Virginia and the car rental company requires the traveler to obtain coverage from the
car rental company or show some evidence of insurance. The traveler should
determine if this requirement is in effect for their travel destination and if so obtain a
“Proof of Insurance” certificate from the Division of Risk Management. This can be
obtained on-line from the Department of Treasury Web Site at:
Continued on next page
If the traveler is a . . .
then . . .
State or Non-State
Employee Outside the
United States
Individuals traveling outside of the territorial
United States (including Canada, Puerto Rico)
are required to purchase and will be reimbursed
for LDW and CDW insurance. Other types of
insurance offered such as trip cancellation,
personal, health or life insurance are not
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 39 Commonwealth of Virginia
Transportation, Continued
Car Rental
Travelers must ensure that the rental vehicle is refueled before returning the vehicle
to the rental contractor unless an exception is noted. Reimbursement will be based
on the fuel used and receipts provided. Reimbursement must be claimed as an “other
expense” on the Expense Report.
In no instance should the traveler enter into a “Fuel Agreement” or pay for fuel at the
time of rental or before vehicle is used to avoid paying for fuel not used.
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 40 Commonwealth of Virginia
International Travel
In addition to all other policies set forth in this travel policy, the following policies
must be adhered to when traveling internationally. The following approvals must be
obtained in advance, dated and submitted with the Expense Report.
If the traveler is…
Then, approval must be made in advance by…
A State employee
The respective Agency Head or designee.
An Agency Head
The respective cabinet secretary.
A cabinet secretary
The Governor’s Chief of Staff.
To ensure all travel meets the test of necessity, travel involving more than three
employees from a single agency to a single international travel destination must be
approved in advance by the Cabinet Secretary.
Air Travel
The guidelines stated previously for air travel also apply to international travel.
Specifically, airline travel cannot exceed the rates charged for tourist/coach fare
except as follows:
With careful consideration of the reasonableness limitations specified in the
Expenses Must be Reasonable and Necessary section of these regulations, the
approving authority may provide written authorization for business class travel, or
premium coach seating, under the following circumstances:
When it does not cost more than the lowest available tourist/coach fare
(comparison must be attached to Expense Report), or
For travel to western Europe if the business meeting is conducted within three
hours of landing, or
For transoceanic, intercontinental trips involving flight-time of more than eight
consecutive hours, or
If the traveler pays the difference
Reimbursement for first class travel is prohibited.
Continued on next page
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 41 Commonwealth of Virginia
International Travel, Continued
Per Diem Rates
The Commonwealth of Virginia uses the lodging and M&IE per diem rates for
foreign travel as defined by the Federal Government, General Services
Administration (GSA). The Department of Defense (DOD) sets the rates for Hawaii,
Alaska, and all United States Territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, The Virgin Islands,
etc.) The Secretary of State establishes these maximum rates of per diem allowances
for travel in foreign areas.
The GSA web page ( www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287 ) link for domestic travel
lodging and M&IE rates has links to the DOD and State Department web sites. If a
specific city is not listed, use the “Other” rate shown for that country. The M&IE
portion of the maximum per diem rate covers the cost of meals as well as incidental
Printouts of appropriate rates for the time of travel must be attached to the
Expense Report for reimbursement.
DOA Contacts
General Travel Information and Limitations
Assistant Director, Compliance Assurance Unit, Finance and Administration
(804) 225-2542
EDI Employee Enrollment Information
Assistant Director, EDI Unit, General Accounting
(804) 692-0473
Travel Charge Card, Agency Travel Card, and Purchasing Card
Assistant Director, Charge Card Administration, Finance and Administration
(804) 786-9259
FAX (804) 518-4954
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 42 Commonwealth of Virginia
Subject Cross References
CAPP Cardinal Topic No. 20310, Expenditures
CAPP Cardinal Topic No. 20336, Agency Travel Processing
CAPP Cardinal Topic No. 20355, Purchasing Charge Card
CAPP Cardinal Topic No. 20360, Travel Charge Card
Refer to suggested job aids and training information for data entry and
processing on the Cardinal website: http://www.cardinalproject.virginia.gov/
Volume No. 1Policies & Procedures
TOPIC NO. 20335 Cardinal
Section No. 20300Cash Disbursements Accounting
DATE December 1, 2015
Office of the Comptroller 43 Commonwealth of Virginia
Suggested Job
Aids and Forms
The following forms can be found on the Cardinal Website, under Statewide
Toolbox Forms:
Cash Advance
Employee Travel Authorization and Expense Report
Employee Travel Authorization and Expense Report Instructions
The following can be found on the Cardinal Website, under Statewide
Toolbox Training Materials:
Approving an Expense Report (Simulation)
Employee Expenses Administration (Simulation)
Processing Employee Expenses (Simulation)
SW AP315 Processing Employee Expenses (Course Presentation)
The following can be found on the Cardinal Website, under Statewide
Toolbox Job Aids:
Authorizing a Proxy for an Employee
Expense Report Interface Processing
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Updating and Deleting Expense Transactions
Reassign Employee Expense Approvals
Additional job aids and training materials may be available on the Cardinal
Please note: The Cardinal job aids, training materials and forms on the
Cardinal website are not policy of the Department of Accounts and are not
part of the Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual