2024 California Secretary of State SOS/NP-30 (REV 04/2024)
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Secretary of State
Notary Public Application
Important Read instructions before completing this
App ID (For SOS Use Only)
Status: Corrections LSP INV Future_____________
1. Applicants Information
a. Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
b. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
c. Driver’s License or Identification Number
d. Full Legal Name: First Name e. Middle Name
f. Last Name g. Suffix
h. List All Name(s) Previously Used
i. Email Address j. Phone Number
2. Commission Name Print your name exactly as you want it shown on your commission. Your legal last name must match the last name shown on your commission.
a. First Name b. Middle Name (Optional) c. Last Name (Must match 1f. and 1g.) d. Suffix
3. Applicant’s Business and Residence Information Do not use abbreviations in the California County and City fields.
a. Name of Principal Place of Notary Business
b. California County Where Busine
ss in 3c. is Located (No abbreviations)
c. Physical Business Location Address (Do not list a P.O. Box or commercial mailbox.) City (No abbreviations) State
Zip Code
d. Mailing Address, if different than item 3c. City (No abbreviations) State Zip Code
e. Residence Address (Do not list a P.O. Box or commercial mailbox.) City (No abbreviations) State
Zip Code
4. Background Information
Indicating yes to any items below, requires additional information to be provided. Full disclosure is mandatory, including out of state history.
a. Have you ever been held liable by any court in any lawsuit based on fraud or misrepresentation, failure to discharge the duties of a notary public, or
violation of state regulatory law?
No Yes, provide all details:________________________________________________________________________________________
b. Have you
ever had a professional license or notary public commission denied, revoked, restricted, resigned or suspended?
No Yes, provide all details:________________________________________________________________________________________
c. Have you ever been convicted by any court of a citation, misdemeanor, or a felony?
No Yes, provide all details on page 3.
d. Do you ha
ve any pending arrest(s) or citation(s) for an offense for which a resolution is pending?
No Yes, provide all details on page 3.
e. Are you
in arrears of child support payments pursuant to CA Family Code section 17520 and/or DCSS regulations?
No/Not Applicable Yes
5. Signature and Execution Note: Digital signatures are not accepted.
I understand that any misstatements or omissions of material facts will result in the denial of my Notary Public Application or
revocation of my notary public commission and possible criminal liability.
I declare that I am a legal California resident, or I am a federal civil service employee who is a United States citizen being appointed
and commissioned on behalf of a military reservation.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing and attachments are true and correct.
e: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
For Filing Officer Use Only
Print Form
Clear Form
2024 California Secretary of State
SOS/NP-30 (REV 04/2024)
Pg 2
Secretary of State
Notary Public Application
App ID (For SOS Use Only)
6. Applicant’s Passport Photograph
Print or attach a 2”x2” color passport-style photograph in the box to the
To secure an attached photograph, use clear tape on all four edges so
the photograph is securely fastened to the page. Do NOT staple.
Complete the form below. All fields are required.
Attach this completed form, your proof of education completion
certificate (3-hour or 6-hour course), and your application payment to
the Notary Public Application.
Do not print this page double-sided.
a. Photo
b. Full Legal Name: First Name c. Middle Name d. Last Name e. Suffix
f. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) g. Email Address
Directions for taking and submitting a passport photo for Notary Public Application
Passport photo means a two inch by two-inch (2”x2”) photograph of the applicant taken recently prior to the date of application. The applicant must be
recognizable in the photo.
If you need instructions on how to take a passport photo, please visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/how-apply/photos.html.
Privacy Notification
Civil Code section 1798.17 requires notice be provided when collecting personal and confidential information from individuals. Each
individual has a right to review the personal information maintained by the Secretary of State relating to that individual, unless access is
exempted by law. Upon request, the Secretary of State will inform any individual regarding the location of the individual's records and the
category of persons who use the information contained in those records.
To obtain this information, contact Custodian of Records, Notary Public Section, P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento, California 94277-0001,
Telephone (916) 653-3595. California Government Code section 8201.1 requires and authorizes collection of the application information and
fingerprints. The information is mandatory unless otherwise noted. If all, or any part of the required information is not provided, processing of
the application may be delayed until the required information has been provided, or the application may be denied.
The principal purposes for collecting and using this information are: (1) To determine the fitness of persons to serve in the capacity of notary
public; (2) To determine if any disqualifying crimes have been committed by applicants; and (3) To enable the Secretary of State to carry out
the duties required by law. Information on this form filed by the applicant with the Secretary of State, except for the name and address, is
confidential and no record can be divulged by an employee having access to the record to any person other than the applicant, his/her
authorized representative, an employee or officer of the federal government, the state government, or a local agency, as defined in California
Government Code section 7923.600(a), acting in his/her official capacity, or by order of court. The names and addresses listed in Items 1, 2,
and 3 are public information and will be provided to the public upon request.
Attach Photo Here
Do Not Print Double-Sided
2024 California Secretary of State SOS/NP-30 (REV 04/2024)
Pg 3
Secretary of State
Notary Public Application Conviction Information
App ID (For SOS Use Only)
Use this form if you need to disclose criminal history information from Section 4 of the Notary Public Application. List each conviction separately. Use
additional copies of this page if needed.
You may
obtain a copy of your criminal history summary record from the California Department of Justice (DOJ) by visiting
. For convictions that occurred outside of California, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at
e to provide a complete conviction history will result in the denial of your Notary Public Application under Government Code section 8214.1(a).
What is the status of this conviction?
Citation Misdemeanor Felony Pending
What was the date of conviction? (MM/DD/YYYY) In what County and State did the conviction take place?
Was probation ordered?
Yes No
Probation Release Date:
Provide details and a description of the offense. Include a case number or Penal Code if available.
What is the status of this conviction?
Citation Misdemeanor Felony Pending
What was the date of conviction? (MM/DD/YYYY) In what County and State did the conviction take place?
Was probation ordered?
Yes No
Probation Release Date:
Provide details and a description of the offense. Include a case number or Penal Code if available.
What is the status of this conviction?
Citation Misdemeanor Felony Pending
What was the date of conviction? (MM/DD/YYYY) In what County and State did the conviction take place?
Was probation ordered?
Yes No
Probation Release Date:
Provide details and a description of the offense. Include a case number or Penal Code if available.
What is the status of this conviction?
Citation Misdemeanor Felony Pending
What was the date of conviction? (MM/DD/YYYY) In what County and State did the conviction take place?
Was probation ordered?
Yes No
Probation Release Date:
Provide details and a description of the offense. Include a case number or Penal Code if available.
What is the status of this conviction?
Citation Misdemeanor Felony Pending
What was the date of conviction? (MM/DD/YYYY) In what County and State did the conviction take place?
Was probation ordered?
Yes No
Probation Release Date:
Provide details and a description of the offense. Include a case number or Penal Code if available.
Use additional copies of this page if needed.
Do Not Print Double-Sided
2024 California Secretary of State
SOS/NP-30 (REV 04/2024)
Pg 4
Instructions for Completing Form SOS/NP-30
Notary Public Application
Read all instructions and information carefully. Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Notary Public
Section at (916) 653-3595.
Do not print the application double-sided.
Complete in full the Notary Public Application.
Only your official signature should be written, all other information should be typed or printed legibly in blue or black ink.
Attach to Section 6 of this application a 2” x 2” color passport photograph of yourself.
Attach to this application the proof of completion certificate received upon completion of the required notary public education
Complete the Notary Public Application (Form SOS/NP-30) as follows:
Item Instruction Tips
1a. Enter your full social security number or your individual taxpayer
identification number. Use the checkbox to indicate which number
you are providing.
Only if you do not have a social security number, may you
enter your individual taxpayer identification number. An
employer identification number will not be accepted.
1b. Enter the month, day and year you were born.
Enter your Date of Birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
1c. Enter your California Driver’s License number or, if you do not have
a California’s Driver’s License, enter your California Identification
Card number.
1d. Enter your legal first name as it appears on your California Driver’s
License or California Identification Card.
Note: This name is public information and will be provided
to the public upon request.
1e. Enter your legal middle name as it appears on your California
Driver’s License or California Identification Card.
If you do not have a middle name, check the “NMN” box.
Note: This name is public information and will be provided
to the public upon request.
1f. Enter your legal last name as it appears on your California Driver’s
License or California Identification Card.
Do not alter your last name in any way. The name entered
will be used for identification purposes and must match
your picture identification used for entry to the examination.
Note: This name is public information and will be provided
to the public upon request.
1g. Enter a suffix if it appears on your California Driver’s License or
California Identification Card.
Acceptable suffixes include Jr., Sr., I, II, III, IV, or V.
Note: This name is public information and will be provided to
the public upon request.
1h. Enter any other name(s) you have ever used.
This includes maiden name(s), prior married name(s),
name(s) used prior to U.S. citizenship, previous domestic
partnership name(s), etc.
1i. Enter a direct email address to reach you.
Enter the best email address for the Secretary of State staff
to reach you, if there is an issue with your application or
1j. Enter a direct telephone number to reach you.
Enter the best direct phone number for the Secretary of
State staff to reach you, if there is an issue with your
application or commission.
2a. Type or print your first name exactly as you want it to appear on
your commission.
You may choose to only use the initial of your first or
middle name for your commission first name.
You may choose to use your middle name as your
commission first name.
Titles and ditto marks are not acceptable.
When you file your oath and bond with the county clerk,
you will be required to present identification that must
substantially match the requested commission name.
2b. Type or print your middle name exactly as you want it to appear on
your commission.
You may choose to only use the initial of your middle name
as part of your commission name.
You may choose not to have a middle name or middle
initial in your commission name.
2c. Type or print your commission last name exactly as it appears on
your California’s Driver’s License or California Identification Card.
Note: Your commission last name must match the legal last name
in Section 1f.
Your legal last name must match the last name shown on
your commission. A full last name is required. If your last
name is “Smith-Jones”, you must enter “Smith-Jones”. The
use of “Smith” or “Jones” by itself is unacceptable.
2d. Type or print your suffix as you want it to appear on your
commission. Note: Your commission suffix must match the suffix in
Section 1g.
If your California Driver’s License or Identification Card
includes a suffix, it is part of your legal last name and
should be part of your commission last name.
3a. Enter the name of the business where you will perform notary
public services.
If you do not work for a business, do not have a business
name, or you are unemployed, leave the field blank and
check the “Self-Employed” box.
2024 California Secretary of State
SOS/NP-30 (REV 04/2024)
Pg 5
3b. Enter the name of the California county where your business is
Do not abbreviate the name of the county.
If you have indicated self or self-employed as your principal
place of business, or are intending to be a mobile notary,
you may enter the county of your residence in Item 3b.
3c. Enter the street address of your business where you will perform
50% or more of your notary public duties.
Enter the city and zip code of your business address.
Note: This address is public information and will be provided to the
lic upon request.
Do not enter a P.O. Box number or commercial mailbox.
Do not abbreviate the name of the city.
If you have indicated self or self-employed as your principal
place of business, or are intending to be a mobile notary,
you may enter your residence address as the business
location address required in Item 3c.
3d. Enter the address where you would like to receive notary public
information, if different than your business address.
Note: This address is public information and will be posted on our
Your notary public commission will be mailed to this
The mailing address may be a P.O. Box.
3e. Enter your residence address.
Note: This address is public information and will be provided to the
public upon request.
Enter the address where you live.
Do not enter a P.O. Box number or commercial mailbox.
4a Use the check boxes to answer the question. If you have been held
liable by a court in any civil proceeding based on fraud or
misrepresentation, failure to discharge the duties of a notary public,
or violation of state regulatory law, provide all details in the space
Attach additional page(s), if necessary.
4b. Use the check boxes to answer the question. If applicable, enter
the following information:
Type of professional license;
The name under which the professional license was issued;
The date and reason of the denial, revocation, restriction,
resignation or suspension and
The name and address of the licensing agency.
Do not include information about the loss or suspension of
a driver’s license.
Your application may be rejected if you do not provide the
Attach additional page(s), if necessary.
4c. Use the check boxes to answer the question. If applicable, provide
the details on page 3 of the application.
Note: The only exceptions are traffic infractions, offenses
adjudicated in a juvenile court or under a youthful offender law, and
any incident that has been sealed under Welfare and Institutions
Code section 781 or Penal Code section 1203.45 (juvenile
Failure to provide a complete conviction history will be considered
a material misstatement and result in the denial of your Notary
Public Application under Government Code section 8214.1(a).
DUI’s must be disclosed.
You must disclose any criminal charges pending in any
court of law.
All convictions must be disclosed, regardless of when and
where occurring, even if you disclosed the conviction on a
previous application for a notary public commission.
Convictions dismissed or expunged pursuant to Penal
Code sections 1203.4 or 1203.4(a) must be disclosed,
regardless of the basis for expungement.
To determine whether you have a conviction that may
disqualify you from obtaining a notary public commission,
refer to the disciplinary guidelines at
www.sos.ca.gov/notary/disciplinary-guidelines for a list of
the most common disqualifying convictions.
4d. Use the check boxes to answer the question. If applicable, provide
the details on page 3 of the application.
Note: The only exceptions are traffic infractions.
You must disclose any arrests or citations that are pending
Your application may be rejected if you do not provide the
4e. Use the check boxes to answer the child support question.
5. Sign your name in the space provided. Enter the date signed,
recommend using MM/DD/YYYY format.
Note: This application is signed under penalty of perjury and must
e signed.
Include the month, day and year.
You must be a legal resident of California or a federal civil
service employee, who is a United States citizen being
appointed and commissioned on behalf of a military base
or military installation located within California.
Use tape on Section 6a of this application to attach a 2” x 2” color
passport photograph of yourself.
6b. Enter your legal First Name.
This should match Section 1d.
6c. If applicable, enter your legal Middle Name.
This should match Section 1e.
6d. Enter your legal Last Name.
This should match Section 1f.
6e. If applicable, enter your legal Suffix.
This should match Section 1g.
6f. Enter your Date of Birth, using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
6g. Enter a direct email address to reach you.