Alberto Cavallo
Working Paper 25138
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
October 2018
This paper was prepared for the 2018 Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium. I thank Yuriy
Gorodnichenko for his discussion and other symposium participants for their comments. I also
thank Manuel Bertolotto, Augusto Ospital, Caroline Coughlin, Mike Brodin, Cesar Sosa, and the
team at PriceStats for their help with the data, and Paula Meloni and Maria Fazzolari from the
Billion Prices Project for providing excellent research assistance. Financial Disclosure: I am a co-
founder and shareholder of PriceStats LLC, a private company that provided some of the
proprietary data used in this paper without any requirements to review of the findings prior to
their release. The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been
peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies
official NBER publications.
© 2018 by Alberto Cavallo. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two
paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including ©
notice, is given to the source.
More Amazon Effects: Online Competition and Pricing Behaviors
Alberto Cavallo
NBER Working Paper No. 25138
October 2018
JEL No. E31,E5,E7
I study how online competition, with its algorithmic pricing technologies and the transparency of
the Internet, can change the pricing behavior of large retailers and affect aggregate inflation
dynamics. In particular, I show that online competition has raised both the frequency of price
changes and the degree of uniform pricing across locations in the U.S. over the past 10 years.
These changes make retail prices more sensitive to aggregate ``nationwide" shocks, increasing
the pass-through of both gas prices and nominal exchange rate fluctuations.
Alberto Cavallo
Harvard Business School
Morgan Hall 287
Soldiers Field
Boston, MA 02163
and NBER
I Introduction
Online retailers such as Amazon are a growing force in consumer retail mar-
kets. Their share of sales continues to grow, particularly in the U.S., prompt-
ing economists to wonder about their impact on inflation. Much of the atten-
tion among central bankers and the press has focused on whether the com-
petition between online and traditional retailers is reducing retail markups
and putting downward pressure on prices.
This “Amazon Effect” could help
explain the relatively low levels of inflation experienced by the US in recent
years, but the lack of firm-level costs and price information makes it empir-
ically hard to distinguish from other forces. Furthermore, while potentially
sizable, there is a limit to how much markups can fall. Will the Amazon Ef-
fects disappear when that limit is reached, or are there longer-lasting effects
of online competition on inflation dynamics?
In this paper I focus instead on the way online competition is affecting
pricing behaviors, such as the frequency of price changes and the degree of
price dispersion across locations. Changes in the way these pricing decisions
are made can have a much more persistent effect on inflation dynamics than
a one-time reduction in markups. In particular, I focus on two pricing behav-
iors that tend to characterize online retailers such as Amazon: a high degree
of price flexibility and the prevalence of uniform pricing across locations.
When combined, these factors can increase the sensitivity of prices to “na-
tionwide” aggregate shocks, such as changes in average gas prices, nominal
exchange rates, or import tariffs.
To document these new trends in U.S. retail pricing behaviors, I use sev-
eral micro-price databases available at the Billion Prices Project (BPP) at
Harvard University and MIT.
An advantage of these data is that they are
collected from large brick-and-mortar retailers that also sell online (“multi-
channel retailers”), at the intersection of both markets. These firms still
concentrate the majority of retail transactions and are sampled accordingly
See Yellen (2017). For recent articles in the press, see Berman (2017), Torry and
Stevens (2017), and Cohen and Tankersley (2018). Some arguments resemble those on
the “Walmart effect” a decade ago, as in Whitehouse (2006). Academic papers at the
time, such as Hausman and Leibtag (2007), focused on the “outlet substitution bias” that
occurs when the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) methodology implicitly assumes that
quality explains most of the price difference among retailers.
See Cavallo and Rigobon (2016) and http://www.thebillionpricesproject.com for more
by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for Consumer Price Index (CPI)
For this paper, I enhance the BPP data by scraping a random
subset of Walmart’s products and automatically searching their product de-
scriptions on the Amazon website to build a proxy for online competition at
the level of individual goods. I also simultaneously collect prices in more than
one hundred zip-codes to compare the extent of uniform pricing by Amazon
and other large U.S. retailers.
I first show that the aggregate frequency of price changes in multi-channel
retailers has been increasing for the past 10 years. The resulting implied
duration for regular prices, excluding sales and temporary discounts, has
fallen from 6.7 months in 2008–2010 to approximately 3.65 months in 2014–
2017, a level similar to what Gorodnichenko and Talavera (2017) found for
online-only retailers in the past. The impact is particularly strong in sectors
where online retailers tend to have high market shares, such as electronics
and household goods. To find more direct evidence of the link between these
changes and online competition, I use a sample of individual products sold on
the Walmart website from 2016 to 2018 to show that those goods that can be
easily found on Amazon tend to have implied durations that are 20% shorter
than the rest. These results are consistent with intense online competition,
characterized by the use of algorithmic or “dynamic” pricing strategies and
the constant monitoring of competitors’ prices.
I then focus on the prices of identical goods across locations. Most retail-
ers that sell online tend to have a single-price or “uniform pricing” strategy,
regardless of buyer’s location. Uniform pricing has been documented sepa-
rately for online and offline retailers by papers such as Cavallo et al. (2014)
and DellaVigna and Gentzkow (2017). Going a step further, I make a direct
comparison by collecting prices in multiple zip codes for Amazon and three
large traditional U.S. retailers: Walmart, Safeway, and Best Buy. I find that
the degree of uniform prices in these firms is only slightly lower than Ama-
zon’s, and nearly all of the geographical price dispersion is concentrated in
the Food and Beverages category. I then use Walmart’s grocery products to
show that goods found on Amazon are more likely to have a higher share of
identical prices and a lower average price difference across locations. These
results are consistent with recent evidence by Ater and Rigbi (2018), sug-
See Bureau (2018). The BLS website states that “As of 2017, about 8 percent of
quotes in the CPI sample (excluding the rent sample) are from online stores.” See BLS
gesting that online transparency imposes a constraint on brick-and-mortar
retailers’ ability to price discriminate across locations.
Next, I discuss potential implications for pass-through and inflation. Re-
tailers that adjust their prices more frequently and uniformly across locations
can be expected to react faster to nationwide shocks. Consistent with this
hypothesis, I use Walmart microdata for 2016–2018 to find that online com-
petition increases the short-run pass-through into prices stemming from gas
prices and exchange rate fluctuations. Using a longer time series of sector-
specific price indices and a matched-product, cross-country dataset, I further
show that the degree of price-sensitivity to exchange rates has been increas-
ing over time, approaching levels previously only seen for tradable goods
“at-the-dock”. Overall, these results suggest that retail prices have become
less insulated from this type of aggregate shock than in the past.
My paper is part of a growing literature that studies how the Internet
is affecting prices and inflation. The most closely related papers are Gorod-
nichenko and Talavera (2017) and Gorodnichenko et al. (2018a), which find
evidence that prices in online marketplaces such as Google Shopping are far
more flexible and exhibit more exchange-rate pass-through than prices found
in CPI data. I build on their findings to show how online competition is
affecting traditional multi-channel retailers and their pricing across locations
and over time. Goolsbee and Klenow (2018) use online data to argue that
the CPI may be overestimating inflation by ignoring product-level quanti-
ties and higher levels of product turnover, which can be interpreted as an
additional “Amazon Effect,” with implications for inflation measurements.
My paper also contributes to the “uniform pricing” literature, by highlight-
ing the connection between online and offline markets and the potential role
played by transparency and fairness. It is also related to several papers in
the price-stickiness literature. Specifically, the implied duration I find for the
earliest years in my sample is similar to the levels reported by Nakamura and
Steinsson (2008) and Klenow and Kryvtsov (2008) using historical data. I
also contribute to the large literature on exchange-rate pass-through, summa-
rized by Burstein and Gopinath (2014), by showing that retail pass-through
increases with online competition.
The paper proceeds as follows. Section II describes the data, while sec-
tion III presents evidence of an increase in price change frequency and its
connection to online competition. Section IV provides similar evidence for
uniform pricing within retailers, followed by Section V, which documents
changes in gas price and exchange rate pass-through. Finally, Section VI
offers some conclusions.
II Data
I use several databases available at the BPP. In all cases, the micro data
were collected using web-scraping methods from the websites of large multi-
channel retailers. Each database has special characteristics that are described
To measure the U.S. pricing behavior statistics shown in Section III, I
rely on a database constructed by PriceStats, a private firm. PriceStats col-
lected daily prices for products sold by large multi-channel retailers from
2008 to 2017. Retailer names are not revealed for confidentiality reasons.
Every individual product is classified with the UN’s Classification of Individ-
ual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) categories, used by most
countries for CPI calculations. Statistics are aggregated using official expen-
diture weights in each country, as needed.
I use this micro data to construct
measures of pricing behaviors with a method described in Section III. In ad-
dition, I use sector-level price indices constructed by PriceStats to measure
exchange-rate pass-through in Section V. More details on the micro data
and an earlier version of the online price indices can be found in Cavallo and
Rigobon (2016).
To measure pass-through into relative prices across countries in Section V,
I use another database built by PriceStats by matching thousands of indi-
vidual goods matching 267 narrow product definitions (for example, “Illy
Decaf Coffee Beans” and “Samsung 61–65 Inch LED TV”). Per-unit prices
(in grams, milliliters, or units) for individual goods are first calculated and
then averaged per “product” within countries. This database was previously
used and described in Cavallo et al. (2018).
Two additional product-level databases were collected by the BPP at
Harvard University between 2016 and 2018. They have not been used in
previous papers, so I describe them in greater detail below.
The BLS uses a different classification structure for its CPI. When needed,
BLS Expenditure weights at the “Entry-Level Item” (ELI) level are matched to
their equivalent COICOP 3-digit level aggregate statistics in this paper. See
http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/download/cpi/coicop.pdf for a detailed
description of COICOP categories and Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015) for details on
the US ELI classification structure.
To study the effects of online competition, I build a database with detailed
information on nearly 50,000 products sold by Walmart in March 2018. For
every product, I create a dummy variable that identifies whether it can also
be easily found on Amazon’s website. This variable is used as a proxy for
online competition in several sections of this paper. To create it, I used
an automated software to replicate the procedure that a Walmart customer
would likely follow to compare prices across the two websites: copying each
product’s description and pasting it into the search box in Amazon’s website.
If Amazon displayed “No results found”, the dummy variable has a value of
0. If Amazon reported one or more matching results, the dummy variable has
a value of 1. Only matching products sold by Amazon LLC were counted.
For each product, I also calculate the price-change frequency, using daily
prices from 2016 to 2018, by taking the number of non-zero price changes
divided by the total number of price-change observations. Missing price gaps
shorter than 90 days were filled with the last available posted (or regular)
price, following standard procedures in the literature. The implied duration
at the product level is estimated as 1/frequency.
To measure uniform pricing, I scraped zip-code-level price data from four
of the largest retailers in the United States: Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, and
Safeway. These companies allow customers to select their location or “pre-
ferred store” on their website. Using an automated software, I collected data
for a total of 10,292 products, selected to cover most categories of goods sold
by Amazon. For every product, I scraped the prices in up to 105 zip codes
within just a few minutes, to minimize the possibility of picking up price dif-
ferences over time. These zip codes were selected to cover all U.S. states and
provide the largest possible variation in unemployment rates within states,
as explained in the Appendix.
III Price Flexibility
Online retailers tend to change prices much more frequently than brick-and-
mortar retailers, a behavior that is often reported by the business press.
In the academic literature, Gorodnichenko et al. (2018a) use data collected
from 2010 to 2012 from the leading online-shopping/price-comparison website
in the US to show that the frequency of online price changes was roughly
twice as high as the one reported in comparable categories by Nakamura and
See Mims (2017).
Steinsson (2008), with an implied duration for price changes of approximately
3.5 months compared to the 7.6 months in CPI data for similar categories of
The high frequency of online price changes may be caused in part by the
use of automated algorithms to make pricing decisions. Already in 2012 the
Wall Street Journal reported that retailers were “deploying a new generation
of algorithms ... changing the price of products from toilet paper to bicycles
on an hour-by-hour and sometimes minute-by-minute basis.”
A particular
type of algorithmic pricing, called “dynamic pricing” in the marketing litera-
ture, is designed to optimize price changes over time, allowing online retailers
to more effectively use the vast amount of information they collect in real
time. So far, academic studies have found evidence of dynamic pricing in
airlines, travel sites, and sellers participating in online marketplaces such as
Ebay and Amazon Marketplace.
However, for a large online retailer like
Amazon, which sold an estimated 12 million individual products on its web-
site in 2016, using some kind of algorithmic pricing may be the only effective
way to make pricing decisions. At the same time, there is some evidence
that many retailers currently use web-scraping to monitor their competitors’
As pricing strategies become more interconnected, a few large retail-
ers using algorithms could change the pricing behavior of the industry as a
III.A Aggregate Frequency of Price Changes
To better understand the impact of online competition on more traditional
retailers, I start by looking at how aggregate price stickiness has changed in
the U.S. from 2008 to 2017, when the share of online sales grew from 3.6%
to 9.5% of all retail sales, according to the Census Bureau.
These numbers are monthly equivalents of the implied durations reported in weeks in
Table 4 of Gorodnichenko et al. (2018a) for regular prices with imputations for missing
prices. In a related paper, Gorodnichenko and Talavera (2017) used prices collected from
2008 to 2013 from another large price-comparison website in the U.S. and found a similarly
high frequency of price changes.
See Angwin and Mattioli (2012).
See Bilotkach et al. (2010) and Chen et al. (2016), and Ferreira et al. (2015).
See Dastin (2017). This practice seems so widespread that Amazon even filed a patent
for a “robot mitigation” method in 2016. See Kowalski and Lategan (2016).
See http://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ECOMPCTSA. Estimates from market-research
firms suggest that Amazon controlled over half of the U.S. online retail market in 2017.
Figure 1 plots the monthly frequency of price changes of large multi-
channel retailers over time. This is computed as a weighted average of the
number of non-zero price changes, divided by the total number of price-
change observations, following standard methodologies in the literature. It is
first calculated at the most disaggregated product classification level available
(for example “Bread and Cereals” or “Milk, Cheese, and Eggs”) and then
aggregated using weighted means with CPI expenditure weights published
by the BLS.
See Lunden (2018).
All the other statistics reported in this section are calculated in a similar way, with
the exception of implied durations, which are directly computed at the aggregate level as
1/frequency. The results in this section are similar when I use other aggregation methods
such as medians and geometric means.
Figure 1: Monthly Frequency of Price Changes, 2008 to 2017
10 15 20 25 30 35
Monthly Frenquency (%)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Posted Prices Regular Prices
(a) Posted and Regular Price Changes
5 10 15 20
Monthly Frenquency (%)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Regular Price Increases
Regular Price Decreases
(b) Regular Price Increases and Decreases
Notes: “Regular Prices” exclude sale events and are computed using the one-month,
v-shaped “Filter A” sale algorithm from Nakamura & Steinsson (2008). This chart shows
the 12-month moving average of the monthly frequency. See the Appendix for results
with alternative sale algorithms.
Panel A shows that the monthly frequency of posted prices increased
from 21% in 2008–2010 to over 31% in 2014–2017. However, this frequency
is greatly influenced by sales and other temporary price discounts, as noted
by Nakamura and Steinsson (2008) and Klenow and Kryvtsov (2008). There
is no consensus in the price-stickiness literature about the treatment of sales.
Papers such as Eichenbaum et al. (2011) and Kehoe and Midrigan (2008)
argue that sale prices are less relevant for monetary policy, while Kryvtsov
and Vincent (2016) find sales to be strongly cyclical in countries like the
U.S. and the U.K. For the purposes of this paper, it is important to know
whether the higher frequency over time simply reflects an increase in sale
events. I therefore compute the frequency of “regular” prices, which exclude
temporary sales, using standard methods in the literature.
Excluding sales affects the level of the monthly frequency but not its
behavior over time. The monthly frequency of regular prices nearly doubled
from approximately 15% in the years 2008–2010 to almost 30% in 2014–2017.
The increase in frequency is even greater if I exclude the recession years of
2008–2009. Consistent with Vavra (2013), Figure 1(a) shows a spike in the
frequency of price changes in late 2008 and early 2009. Figure 1(b) indicates
that this was entirely caused by the frequency of regular price decreases. By
contrast, the frequency of regular price increases has been rising steadily
since 2008.
In Table 1, I split the sample into three periods and show averages for
various other statistics commonly used in the price-stickiness literature. From
now on I focus on regular prices, but similar results with posted prices can
be seen in the Appendix.
Not all retailers have sale indicators, so I rely on one of the algorithms in Nakamura
and Steinsson (2008) to remove both symmetric and asymmetric v-shaped sales that last
a single month. Similar results can be obtained with alternative sale algorithms used in
the literature, as shown in Appendix FigureA1.
Table 1: Behavior of Regular Prices in Large U.S. Retailers
Period Averages
2008-2010 2011-2013 2014-2017
Frequency of Price Changes (%) 15.43 22.39 27.39
Implied Duration (months) 6.48 4.47 3.65
Frequency of Price Increases (%) 6.89 10.27 12.49
Frequency of Price Decreases (%) 8.94 12.12 14.96
Absolute Size of Price Changes (%) 17.45 16.24 15.02
Size of Price Increases (%) 18.3 17.09 15.42
Size of Price Decreases (%) -16.79 -14.71 -14.02
Share of Price Changes under 1pc 6.59 5.23 8.01
Sales as Share of Price Changes (%) 4.02 3.98 3.29
The average implied duration of regular prices provides the first indication
that these changes might be related to online retailers. The mean duration
fell from about 6.5 months, a number close to what Nakamura and Steinsson
(2008) find for historical CPI data, to just about 3.7 months, a number much
closer to what Gorodnichenko et al. (2018a) find for online retailers with data
from 2010–2012. Furthermore, as the frequency of price changes increases,
their size is also getting small, but not by much. The absolute size of posted
price changes fell only slightly, from 17.45% to 15.02%. This relative stability
of the size of price changes is consistent with the results in Gorodnichenko
et al. (2018a), which argue that “online sellers adjust their prices more often
than offline retailers, but by roughly the same amounts.”
Table 2 shows the implied durations by sector, revealing bigger changes
in product categories where online retailers tend to have larger marker shares,
such as “Recreation and Electronics” and “Furnishings and Household Goods.”
By contrast, goods in “Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages”—where online
purchases only accounted for 0.4% of total retail sales in 2016—have a much
more stable behavior over time.
Table 2: Implied Duration of Regular Price Changes by Sector
eriod Averages
2011-2013 2014-2017
(months) (months) (months)
ood and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 6.4 6.6 6.4
Clothing and Footwear 6.2 5.5 5.3
Furnishings and Household Goods 14.2 12.9 5.9
Health and Medical 12.1 13.6 8.5
Transportation Goods 3.6 2 1.8
Recreation and Electronics 13.1 10.1 5.5
Miscellaneous Goods 13.7 10.4 7.8
Sectors 6.48 4.47 3.65
Notes: Implied durations are calculated as 1/f requency. The table shows
the average taking into account all months in every period. Regular
price changes exclude monthly sales with the v-shaped “filter A” algorithm
from Nakamura and Steinsson (2008). Similar results for posted prices
and regular prices using other sale algorithms are shown in the Appendix.
The timing of the fall in implied durations also seems to coincide with
the timing of Amazon’s expansion in different sectors. This can be seen in
Figure 2, which plots the implied duration every month for the three main
categories discussed above. The implied duration of “Recreation and Elec-
tronics” started to fall in 2011, followed later by “Furnishings and Household
Interestingly, the implied duration for “Food and Beverages” ap-
pears to be falling since 2015, when Amazon started to expand more aggres-
sively into groceries with its “Amazon Fresh” platform.
According to the
These results are not driven by changes in the composition of retailers sampled over
time. Figure A5 in the Appendix shows that nearly all retailers sampled continuously in
these categories exhibit an increase in the frequency of price changes over time.
Amazon also acquired Whole Foods in 2017. Haddon and Nassauer (2016) report that
U.S. Census Bureau, online sales in food and beverages stores grew 27% in
2016, almost twice as fast as the 14% estimated for e-commerce as a whole.
Figure 2: Monthly Implied Duration of Regular Price Changes by Sector
5 10 15 20
Implied Duration (Months)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Recreation and Electronics
Furnishings and Household
Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
III.B Online Competition and Implied Durations
While intriguing, these patterns do not provide direct evidence that the
changes are related to online competition. To test this connection more
formally, I built a database with a cross-section of Walmart’s products sold
online from 2016 to 2018, their implied durations, and a dummy variable that
identifies whether these products can be found on Amazon (used as a proxy
for the degree of online competition). More details on how this database was
constructed are provided in Section II. Table 3 shows the results of a regres-
sion of the daily implied duration and the “Found on Amazon” dummy. I
include category fixed effects to capture the between-sector impact of omitted
variables and provide separate results for different sectors.
The first column shows that products found on Amazon tend to have ap-
proximately 20% shorter implied durations, with goods “Found on Amazon”
having an implied duration of posted prices that is 5.45 days shorter than
the unconditional level of approximately 28 days.
traditional grocers such as Walmart and Kroger have also aggressively expanded their
online services in recent years.
The unconditional implied duration is lower than the estimates in Table 2, because
these daily prices include temporary sales within the month.
Table 3: Implied Duration for Walmart’s Products Found on Amazon
Sectors Food & Clothing Furnishings Health & Recreation
Beverages & Footwear & Household Medical & Electronics
ound on Amazon -5.45 -3.63 -41.18 -1.55 -8.33 -5.71
(0.46) (0.75) (4.78) (0.76) (6.38) (0.59)
Constant 27.95 30.97 94.98 22.42 59.25 23.43
(0.60) (0.40) (2.61) (0.50) (3.92) (0.35)
Observations 49,867 15,766 2,719 11,152 973 16,541
Obs. on Amazon 17,498 4,554 831 4,858 420 6,040
R-squared 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01
Notes: The dependent variable is the implied duration for posted prices, measured in
days and using prices collected from 2016–2018. The variable “Found on Amazon” is a
dummy that identifies whether the product was found by a scraping robot that searched
for the first 100 characters of the product description on Amazon’s website. Fixed effects
are computed using the product’s COICOP 3-digit category (for example, COICOP
1.1.1 corresponding to “Bread and Cereals”). Standard errors are in parentheses.
At the sector level, the largest impact —both in days and in percentage
terms—is in “Clothing and Footwear,” a sector that has also experienced
intense competition between Walmart and Amazon in recent years.
share of products found on Amazon for this category is relatively low, reflect-
ing both the heterogeneous product descriptions in clothing and the fact that
Walmart sells many “private-label” apparel brands in an attempt to distin-
guish itself from Amazon. The only sector without a statistically significant
reduction in implied duration is “Health and Medical,” where Amazon does
not yet have a major presence.
One caveat with these results is that their validity rests upon the as-
sumption that I am using a good proxy for online competition. While fixed
effects control for omitted factors at the category level, the “Found on Ama-
zon” dummy may be capturing the effects of some unobserved characteristic
within categories that has nothing to do with the degree of online compe-
tition. One reason to be confident of the validity of this proxy is that the
scraping software simply replicates what any customer would do if she wanted
See Kapner (2017), Stevens (2018), and Boyle (2018).
See Wingfield and Thomas (2017) and Langreth and Tracer (2018).
to compare prices: copy and paste the product description across websites.
Another reason is that Amazon’s search algorithm probably works better for
product descriptions that are searched more frequently on its website.
The evidence in this section suggests that competition with online retail-
ers has increased the frequency of price changes in U.S. retail markets. But
if prices are adjusting more frequently to local shocks, this would have little
impact on aggregate inflation dynamics. In particular, algorithms could be
used to change prices based on local demand or supply conditions, individual
store inventory levels, and even customers’ personal buying behaviors. To
establish whether this is the case, in the next section I study how online com-
petition is affecting pricing behaviors on a spatial —rather than temporal—
IV Uniform Pricing
A second characteristic shared by many online retailers —including Amazon—
is that every product tends to have the same posted price regardless of buyers’
locations, a pricing strategy often referred to as “uniform pricing.”
Uniform pricing in online retailers has been documented in the academic
literature before. In Cavallo et al. (2014), we note that, out of the ten largest
U.S. retailers selling online, only Walgreens and Walmart used zip codes to
localize prices at the time. When we scraped their websites, we found that
over 85% of their products had identical prices across multiple locations. In
Cavallo (2017), I collected data from 50 retailers in ten countries to find
that nearly all had a single price online which matches the offline price at
a randomly chosen location about 72% of the time. I also found that U.S.
retailers do not adjust their prices based on the IP address, which identifies
the location of a buyer’s computer.
In a world of pricing algorithms and “big data,” the lack of geographical
price discrimination may seem puzzling. The technology to customize prices
is widely available, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission website states
that customized prices are “generally lawful, particularly if they reflect the
different costs of dealing with different buyers or are the result of a seller’s
Amazon’s search algorithm was developed by one of its subsidiaries, called “A9.” On
its website (Amazon.com (2018a)) A9 states, “We’ve been analyzing data, observing past
traffic patterns, and indexing the text describing every product in our catalog long before
the customer has even decided to search.” The emphasis in this quote was added by me.
attempts to meet a competitor’s offering.”
So why are online retailers not
doing more geographical price discrimination? The answer appears to be
connected to the transparency of the Internet and the fear of antagonizing
customers. Retailers that price discriminate across locations risk angering
their customers, who may not consider this a fair practice. In a famous
example, Amazon faced criticism in 2000 for apparently charging different
prices for identical DVDs at the same time. The controversy ended when
the firm issued a statement saying, “We’ve never tested and we never will
test prices based on customer demographics.”
Most online retailers appear
to follow a similar approach, which is why a CEA report on “Differential
Pricing” published in 2015 concludes that this type of price discrimination
is still being used in a “limited and experimental fashion.”
In practice, uniform prices would matter little if online retailers could still
price discriminate using different shipping costs. However, Amazon has long
offered free shipping to all locations for orders above $25; and for orders below
that threshold, Amazon’s shipping costs depend on the selected shipping
speed and the items’ weight but not on the buyers’ location.
Amazon “Prime” members get free shipping for most purchases by paying
an annual fee that is also the same regardless of the location of the member.
Over the years, Walmart and many other retailers that compete with Amazon
have adopted similar strategies. Retailers with uniform prices could also price
discriminate using coupons, but personalized discounts are not collected by
the BLS and therefore do not affect official inflation statistics. Moreover,
DellaVigna and Gentzkow (2017) find evidence of uniform pricing even in
unit-value prices that include coupons.
Some papers are also finding uniform pricing in offline retailers. For
example, DellaVigna and Gentzkow (2017) use the U.S. Nielsen-Kilts scan-
ner data for food, groceries, and mass-merchandise stores to conclude that
“nearly-uniform pricing is the industry norm.” They further show that price
variations within chains are far smaller than variations among stores in dif-
ferent chains, even for store locations with very different income levels or in
It is also easy to find articles in the press describing how “big data” allows retailers
to price discriminate based on demographic and even customers’ personal characteristics.
See, for example Valentino-DeVries et al. (2012), Dwoskin (2014), and Useem (May 2017
See CNN (2000) and Amazon.com (2000).
CEA (2015).
See Amazon.com (2018b).
geographically segmented markets. The evidence for uniform prices in of-
fline stores is more common when researchers are able to observe prices for
identical goods sampled at higher frequencies, as in Daruich and Kozlowski
Is uniform pricing another “Amazon Effect?” The connection between
online retailers and uniform pricing policies in offline retailers is not obvi-
ous. As DellaVigna and Gentzkow (2017) point out, a plausible explanation
for uniform pricing in offline retailers is that it helps to reduce manage-
rial decision-making costs, while fairness is “a less compelling explanation
... [because] few consumers visit multiple stores from a chain in geographi-
cally separated markets, so if chains did choose to price discriminate across
these stores, few consumers would observe this directly.” Both of these con-
ditions change with online competition, making fairness a more probable
explanation. Decision-making costs fall with improvements in information
technology, and as traditional retailers start to sell online, they inevitably
reveal more information about their prices to consumers, researchers, and
journalists. Consumers can now easily use computers and mobile phones
to request price-matching across distribution channels and locations. Even
if they are not able to arbitrage price differences, they can demand price-
matching across locations, particularly within the same retailer.
The combination of online transparency and fairness concerns can be a
powerful force for uniform pricing. Consistent with this idea, a recent paper
by Ater and Rigbi (2018) provides evidence that the online disclosure of
prices tends to reduce price dispersion in brick-and-mortar supermarkets.
Transparency seems to play a role across countries as well. In Cavallo et al.
(2014) we find that global retailers such as Apple, Ikea, Zara, and H&M
tend to have uniform pricing policies within currency unions, where price
differences across countries are trivial to detect.
IV.A Comparison between Amazon and Multi-Channel Retailers
To better understand the influence of online competition on uniform pricing
in more traditional retailers, I simultaneously collected prices from Amazon
and three large multi-channel retailers that sell online in the U.S. The data,
described in more detail in Section II, include prices for over 10,000 identical
See Walmart (2018) for details on Walmart’s price matching policy and Cavallo (2017)
for evidence of identical online and offline prices within retailers in the US and other
goods sold in up to 105 different zip codes during a single week in March 2018.
For the subset of Walmart prices, I also have the zip-code-level unemployment
rate and the “Found on Amazon” dummy to compare how prices vary by local
demand conditions and online competition.
Table 4 provides two measures of price dispersion commonly found in
the literature. First, I calculate the share of identical prices for all bilateral
comparisons between two stores in the same retail chain. For example, if a
retailer sells in three locations and two of them have the same price, the share
of identical prices is 0.33, because only 1 out of 3 bilateral comparisons is
identical. Second, I compute the average price difference for the same sample,
including those bilaterals where prices are identical (zero price difference
between two locations).
Table 4: Evidence of Uniform Pricing in Large US Retailers
of Identical Average Price Difference
Retailers Amazon Other Retailers Amazon
(%) (%)
Panel A: All Sectors
Mean 0.78 0.91 5.49 1.61
Standard Deviation (0.30) (0.19) (9.44) (4.44)
Number of Products 9469 823
Average Zip Codes 22 80
anel B: Major Sectors
Food & Beverages
Mean 0.76 0.84 6.33 2.97
Standard Deviation (0.31) (0.24) (9.84) (5.26)
Number of Products 6588 344
Average Zip Codes 15 65
Recreation & Electronics
Mean 0.99 0.99 0.006 0.003
Standard Deviation (0.16) (0.05) (0.22) (0.04)
Number of Products 1578 191
Average Zip Codes 42 100
Panel A shows that Amazon has a high degree of uniform pricing. Prices
are identical 91% of the time, with an average price difference between stores
of only 1.61%. These findings are more impressive when we consider that
Amazon’s 823 products were sampled in an average of 80 zip codes, while the
9,469 products in multi-channel retailers were available only in an average of
22 zip codes.
Still, multi-channel retailers are not far behind: their share of identical
prices is 78%, while the average price difference is 5.49%. These results
resemble those in Cavallo (2017), where I find that prices collected using
mobile phones in different offline locations of nine U.S. retailers were also
identical about 78% of the time, ranging from 66% in drugstores to 96% in
Panel B reveals that most price differences across locations occur in “Food
and Beverages,” the sector with the lowest share of online sales. DellaVigna
and Gentzkow (2017) also find a lower share of identical prices for groceries,
at 53%, with a sample that contains many retailers that do not sell online.
Interestingly, the share of identical prices for “Food and Beverages” in Ama-
zon is also lower, at 84%, while the average price difference nearly doubles
to 2.92%. By contrast, the prices for electronics have nearly perfect uniform
pricing in all the retailers I sampled.
IV.B Online Competition and Uniform Pricing
To determine whether online competition affects uniform pricing, Table 5
follows a similar approach to the one used in the previous section. I focus
on the subset of products sold by Walmart on its “Grocery” website (where
there is at least some geographical price dispersion) and regress the share of
identical prices and the average price difference on the “Found on Amazon”
dummy variable, my proxy for online competition at the product level. I also
include a variable that counts the number of zip codes where each product
is found, as well as the average log difference in unemployment rates for all
the bilateral combinations between those zip codes.
Table 5 shows that goods that can be easily found on Amazon are more
likely to be priced identically by Walmart in multiple locations. The share of
identical pricing for those products increases by 5.8 percentage points, from a
level of 91% to almost 97%. A similar result is obtained for the average price
difference, which falls by 1.9 percentage points for goods found on Amazon,
from approximately 2.9% in the full sample.
Columns 2 and 4 show the effects of adding the number of zip codes
sampled and the unemployment rate difference. I include the number of
zip codes to help control for the possibility that the products “Found on
Amazon” might belong to national brands sold in multiple locations. The
coefficient has the right sign, but its magnitude is very small.
The results for the unemployment rate differences are more revealing.
Column 2 shows that increasing the unemployment rate difference between
two locations by 1% tends to reduce the share of identical prices by 0.6%.
Assuming a linear relationship, we need a 10 percentage point difference
Table 5: Uniform Pricing for Walmart’s Grocery Products Found on Amazon
of Identical Average Price Difference
ound on Amazon 0.058 0.055 -1.979 -1.891
(0.008) (0.008) (0.306) (0.309)
Zip Codes Sampled 0.002 -0.044
(0.000) (0.017)
UE Rate Difference -0.006 0.386
(0.002) (0.071)
Constant 0.914 0.921 2.939 1.794
(0.004) (0.009) (0.152) (0.386)
Observations 3,982 3,949 3,778 3,746
Obs. on Amazon 934 929 908 903
R-squared 0.022 0.031 0.014 0.024
Notes: The dependent variables are measured using prices collected from multiple zip
codes in March 2018. The variable “Found on Amazon” is a dummy that identifies
whether the product was found by a scraping robot that searched for the first 100 char-
acters of the product description on Amazon’s website. Fixed effects are computed
using the product’s COICOP 3-digit category. Standard errors are in parentheses.
in unemployment between two locations to have the same effects as being
“found on Amazon.” At the same time, column 4 suggests that unemploy-
ment differences have a greater impact on the size of price differences between
locations. A 10% increase in the difference of unemployment would raise the
average price difference by about 4%.
In sum, I find that traditional retailers that sell online tend to have a
high degree of uniform pricing, which closely resembles Amazon’s behavior.
In the cross section, the more a good competes with Amazon, the higher the
degree of uniform pricing. While I am unable to see how uniform pricing
has changed over time, this evidence suggests that as traditional retailers
compete more with online retailers, their geographical price dispersion will
continue to fall.
V Implications for Pass-through and Infla-
A higher frequency of price changes can increase their sensitivity to various
types of shocks. Consistent with this hypothesis, Gorodnichenko and Ta-
lavera (2017) find evidence of a much higher exchange rate pass-through in
online retailers. But as noted by DellaVigna and Gentzkow (2017), uniform
pricing also tends to dampen the response to local economic conditions. So if
online competition is making prices more flexible and uniform, we should ex-
pect to see an increase mainly in the price sensitivity to “nationwide” shocks.
Examples of such shocks include changes in average gas prices or fluctuations
in nominal exchange rates.
In this section, I look for evidence of this effect in multi-channel retailers.
First, I confirm that online competition increases both exchange-rate and gas-
price pass-through for Walmart’s products. Next, I document an increase in
pass-through rates in more aggregate online data over time.
V.A Online Competition and Pass-through
I start by running a standard dynamic-lag pass-through regression with Wal-
mart’s microdata. I use quarterly prices and consider separately the reaction
of good-level prices to changes in both national-average gas prices and the
nominal exchange rate, so that:
+ δ
where p
is the change in the log price of good i in category c at time
t, ∆s
is either the log change in gas prices or the nominal exchange rate,
and k is the number of lags. X
is a vector that includes fixed effects at
the individual good level, fixed effects at the category level, and the first lag
of the dependent variable to account for the persistence in inflation.
For gas prices, I follow Choi et al. (2018) and report the coefficient for
the contemporaneous effect (a single quarter) in Table 6. For exchange rates,
I follow Burstein and Gopinath (2014) and report pass-through as the the
sum of the coefficients for two lags of the change in the nominal exchange
By “nationwide” I mean shocks common to all locations, though not necessarily com-
mon to all products.
rate, which is usually considered to be the “short-run pass-through” in the
literature. To measure the exchange rate, I use the trade-weighted value of
the U.S. dollar against the currencies of a broad group of trading partners, as
published by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. I invert the index
so that an increase is a depreciation of the U.S. dollar that is expected to
have a positive pass-through coefficient on prices.
Table 6 shows that retail prices at the product level exhibit a great deal
of pass-through from both gas prices and exchange rates, and in both cases,
pass-through increases significantly when products compete online. The gas-
price pass-through rate is 22% in a single quarter, and it rises from 19% to
28% for goods that can be easily found on Amazon. The short-run exchange-
rate pass-through is 32% and rises from 26% to 44% for products that can
be found on Amazon.
Table 6: Short-Run Pass-through into Walmart’s Prices (2016-2018)
ound on Amazon
ull Sample No Yes
Gas Prices (1 quarter) 0.22 0.19 0.28
(0.02) (0.02) (0.03)
Observations 191,690 122,800 68,890
R-squared 0.17 0.17 0.16
hange Rate (2 quarters) 0.32 0.26 0.44
(0.03) (0.04) (0.05)
Observations 191,690 122,800 68,890
R-squared 0.17 0.18 0.16
Notes: All data are quarterly. The dependent variable is the log change in individual
product prices, and the independent variables include the first lag of the dependent
variable and lags of either the log change in gas prices or the trade-weighted nominal
exchange rate broad index published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
(TWEXB). The index is inverted so that an increase is a depreciation of the U.S. dollar
and the sign of the pass-through estimates is consistent with those reported in the litera-
ture. This table shows the results using a fixed-effects estimator at the individual prod-
uct level and COICOP 3-digit category and reports the contemporaneous (1-quarter)
pass-through for gas price changes and the sum of the contemporaneous and first lag
(2 quarters) of the nominal exchange rate changes. Standard errors are in parentheses.
The estimated levels of pass-through are sensitive to the number of lags
and other details in the regression, but the observed increase in pass-through
when a product is found on Amazon holds under many different model speci-
fications. In particular, in the Appendix I show similar results with different
estimation techniques, including OLS, fixed effects, difference and system
GMM, as well as a regression that includes both gas prices and exchange
rates at the same time.
V.B Pass-through over Time
The previous results show that online competition increases the price sensi-
tivity to shocks at Walmart, but does it affect other retailers, and is there
evidence that pass-through is increasing over time?
To answer these questions, I now focus on exchange rate pass-through,
for which I have better data and a variety of methodologies used in the
literature. My main objective is to study how pass-through has changed
over time, regardless of the specific method used to measure it.
In Table 7, Panel A, I start by running regression (1) using price indices
computed with online data from a large number of multi-channel retailers
in the U.S. from 2008 to 2017.
One advantage of these data is the large
number of multi-channel retailers and sectors. The other is the long time
series, which makes it possible to split the sample into two periods, from
2008 to 2012 and from 2013 to 2017. All available COICOP 3-digit sectors
are included, with the exception of gas price indices.
I use sector-level price indices computed by PriceStats with a proprietary methodology
that includes adjustments to correct for methodological differences that can cause long-
term differences in inflation levels relative to the CPI. These adjustments remain constant
and do not affect pass-through estimates over time.
Table 7: Price Sensitity to Exchange Rates Over Time
ull Sample 2008-2012 2013-2017
Panel A: Online US Price Indexes
(All goods excluding fuel)
Short-Run (2 quarters) 0.16 0.12 0.25
(0.05) (0.07) (0.06)
Long-Run (2 years) 0.31 0.04 0.44
(0.09) (0.37) (0.12)
anel B: Matched Relative Prices
(2 sectors, 7 countries)
Food & Beverages 0.38 0.23 0.45
(0.01) (0.05) (0.02)
Electronics 0.83 0.79 0.91
(0.03) (0.14) (0.07)
Notes: Panel A shows pass-through coefficients from a dynamic lag re-
gression using price indices computed with online data from a large num-
ber of multi-channel retailers. Panel B shows the long-run relative pass-
through coefficients from equation (2), using a database with carefully-
matched products across seven countries. Standard errors are in parentheses.
Consistent with the increase in the frequency of price changes observed
in Section III, the short-run (two quarters) effect of exchange rates on on-
line price indices has doubled over time, from 12% to 25%. The long-run
(eight quarters) effect is higher at 31% and also increases over time, from an
insignificant 0.04% in 2008–2012 to a statistically significant 44% in recent
A major limitation of the regressions in Panel A is that these price in-
dices include non-tradables and goods that are domestically produced, which
may not only dampen the level of the coefficients but could also affect their
behavior over time if the composition of imported and domestic products is
not constant. Furthermore, without information about the country of ori-
gin, I am unable to control for shocks in foreign production costs that may
correlate with the nominal exchange rate.
An alternative way of measuring the long-run sensitivity of retail prices
to the nominal exchange rate is to estimate a relative price regression using
matched-product prices across countries in levels, as in Gorodnichenko and
Talavera (2017):
= α
+ β ln (e
) +
where p
denotes the price of good i at time t in the U.S., z is the
notation for another country, and e
is the nominal exchange rate defined
as the number of U.S. dollars per unit of z (so an increase in e
is a
depreciation of the U.S. dollar). The coefficient β is the estimate of long-run
exchange rate pass-through into relative prices. Under full pass-through, the
β would be 1, and the law of one price would hold in relative terms.
At the retail level, using relative prices provides the advantage of im-
plicitly controlling for production costs and other product-level shocks that
affect prices in both countries and may be correlated with nominal exchange
rates. This approach is rare in the literature because it requires access to
micro data from identical products across countries. I use the same data
described in Cavallo et al. (2018), which includes the prices of thousands
of individual varieties matched into 267 narrowly defined “products.” The
countries included, in addition to the the U.S., are Australia, Brazil, China,
Japan, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. More details about the data
can be found in Section II.
Table 7 Panel B shows the β coefficients for goods in the “Food and
Beverages” and “Electronics” categories. The relative-price pass-through is
higher for “Electronics,” at 83% versus only 38% for “Food and Beverages.”
Just like with the price index results, both categories display a significant
increase in the pass-through over time. The sensitivity in “Food and Bev-
erages” doubles, from 23% in 2008-2012 to 45% in 2013-2017. Similarly,
the pass-through for “Electronics” rises from 79% to 91% between the same
The absolute version of the law of one price would further require that the α
Such high levels of exchange-rate pass-through are not commonly found
at the retail level. Burstein and Gopinath (2014) estimate a long-run pass-
through in tradable CPI prices of just 13% in the U.S. until 2011.
The 44%
long-run pass-through in Panel A for 2013-2017 is closer to the level reported
by Gopinath (2016) for U.S. import prices “at-the-dock.”
While differences
in methods and data can affect pass-through estimates, the evidence suggests
that online competition is making U.S. retail prices far more sensitive to
exchange rates than in the past, gradually closing the gap between retail and
border pricing behaviors.
VI Conclusions
Online competition can influence retail markets in many ways. An important
and often overlooked mechanism is the way it changes retail pricing behaviors,
which can have long-lasting effects on inflation dynamics. This paper studies
pricing behaviors for large multi-channel retailers in the U.S. over the past
10 years and shows how online competition increases both the frequency and
the extent of uniform prices across locations. When combined, these factors
tend to make prices more sensitive to aggregate nationwide shocks, which I
document by finding increasing levels of gas-price and nominal exchange-rate
For policy-makers and anyone interested in inflation dynamics, these find-
ings imply that retail prices are becoming less “insulated” from nationwide
shocks. Fuel prices, exchange-rate fluctuations, or any other shock that may
enter the pricing algorithms used by large retailers are more likely to have
a larger impact on retail prices that in the past. In terms of cost shocks, a
natural extension of my work would be to measure the retail pass-through
from the recent increase in U.S. tariffs. Demand-side shocks, not addressed
here, also provide a promising area for future research. Gorodnichenko et al.
(2018b) find no evidence of a high-frequency price response to macroeconomic
policy announcements that do not affect firm-level demand. More research
on the specific metrics and mechanisms used by online firms in their pric-
ing algorithms could give macroeconomists a better understanding of what
Using a different method, Gopinath (2016) reports a long-run CPI pass-through of
0.052 in the U.S., a similar number to the one I found for online prices in 2008-2012.
See Gopinath and Itskhoki (2010) for results showing how the frequency of price
changes increases pass-through in import prices.
type of demand shocks are likely to have the greatest impact on aggregate
inflation dynamics.
For monetary models and empirical work, my findings suggest that the fo-
cus needs to move beyond traditional nominal rigidities: labor costs, limited
information, and even “decision costs” –related to inattention and the limited
capacity to process data– will tend to disappear as more retailers use algo-
rithms to make pricing decisions. One of the few remaining costs for price-
setters may soon be “fairness concerns,” as in the work by Rotemberg (1982)
and Kahneman et al. (1986). This topic has received relatively little atten-
tion in the economic literature as an additional reason for price stickiness.
The evidence in this paper suggests that fairness is currently more important
to undestand price differences between locations than for price changes over
time. However, what people consider to be “fair” in terms of pricing can
change across countries, sectors, and time periods. More work connecting
pricing technologies, web transparency, and fairness will be needed to under-
stand how pricing behaviors and inflation dynamics are likely to evolve in
the future.
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